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A boy burst through the front door of Seth's house with a limp figure lain in his arms. The child, no older than 10 was covered in blood, her dress torn to shreds, her feet bare. Seth recognized her as the Beta's first daughter, the Beta's second was on the way. The boy holding the girl was no doubt Erin, the Alpha's oldest son at 12. Seth began to wonder what had happened but he pushed the thoughts back and rushed to Erin's aid.

"Erin! What's going on? What happened to the Beta's daughter?" he asked Erin who was quick to place her on the couch.

"A team of 7 rogues, they found a way past the borders, they attacked Beta Tyler's house. My dad . . . he was too late they killed both Ryan and his wife. Please, Seth, you have to help her before I lose her forever," the desperation was clear in the boys voice.

Seth questioned what Erin meant by losing the Beta's daughter but had no time to contemplate it as he knew he had to help. Seth gave in and found his way to Erin's side and looked the girl over. Her breathing was very shallow, he could hear her heart beat trying to push back from the imminent slowing and stopping. That is if he refused to use his healing powers on the poor dying girl. The blood on her battered body seemed to come from wounds inflicted in many different places, he could tell a bone or two had been broken as well but was unsure if there was any internal bleeding.

"I will help if you tell me what you meant by you loosing her," Seth agreed. He had already started working on her, cleaning up the blood and trying to heal her wounds since being that young she had yet to get her wolf.

"She belongs to me, she is mine," Erin replied his voice nearly cracking.

Seth didn't believe it could be possible for a wolf who was yet to be a wolf to get his mate. Something seemed off about this, he wanted to question further but decided against it as he complied to his part of the deal.

"She'l live, I promise that to you Erin," Seth nodded and continued to work on the girl.


Seth was incredibly tired when the hour passed but he was able to fix any major injuries; she would be okay. The Prince helped clean the blood from her body and took her dress from her body, earning a whispered growl from Erin. She had multiple wounds many bones broken and shattered. Seth was luckily able to heal the major injuries and left her with only a few minor that would heal with time. She now laid covered up and sleeping with regular breathing. Erin sat on the far end of the room his eyes never moving from her sleeping body.

"Prince?" Seth said quietly.

"What?" Erin replied his eyes never moving.

"She can't know about this, about your Mating to her until she is ready."

His eyes lashed to Seth's, the emotion in them nearly anger. "I don't think that's at all possible."

"You have to make it possible, let her let go about her parents' death, she needs her wolf before you can claim her, wait until she is ready."

He once again averted his gaze once again and looked back at the girl. "Who's going to take her in since... they're dead?"

"I will, so you know she will be safe through her Shifting, I'll make sure she gets everything she deserves."


Author's Note

This will be my first story on Watt-pad, but not my first published to the public. I hope you like it, PLEASE comment I love to read what people have to say about my stuff. GOOD OR BAD. I hope you like my book :)

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