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Princess Pov

Somebody gotta be in my house. I grabbed my pouch with my gun in it and heard somebody laugh.

Queen Pov

"Something ain't right Jayden" I said waking up out of my sleep.

I got this uneasy feeling like somebody I love is in danger, I don't like that shit.

I looked over at Jayden but he wasn't laying beside me so I jumped up.

I walked in the living room and saw him with some bags.

He looked up and seen me "Britt let's go, I have this gut feeling" He said

"Me to man I don't like this shit"

I ran to put on some sweatpants and a sweatshirt, fuck all that extra shit.

"Let's go"

He didn't even worry about grabbing our bags we ran to the car and made our way to the airport.

Lord give us enough time.

Princess Pov

I had my gun in my hand ready to shoot whomever.

"What's up Princess" a voice boomed through out the house.

I didn't see anyone yet but I could hear them very clearly.

"Who the fuck in my house"

"It's me bae" Said a second voice which belong to Daniel.

"Why are you in my house"

Then out of no where Daniel walked out.

"I was invited" He said cockily

I had a strange look on my face trying to figure out who invited him.

"I didn't give you an invitation to my house who's with you"

"Your worst nightmare" Another voice came up but sounded like a female

"Where's mom?" The shadow came in to view.

It was Marvin.

I pointed my gun at him to shoot but nothing came out no bullets nothing.

I always keep my gun full.

Daniel and Marvin laughed.

"Baby I emptied it once you got out the car to check on that fuck boy"

I couldn't say anything but listen to my moms voice in my head "Tori I hope you're listening... Don't ever slip up and leave your gun around people you don't fuck with on a everyday basis"

I actually wasn't listening to her but everything she was saying was coming back to me in this situation.

"Y'all that bitch ain't got nothing to say now, she's nothing without her mom or that gun" A female voice spoked.

"Baby come out" Marvin said

She came out with her hair like I did the night we went to Marvin's party.

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