A Pathetic Father For My Children To Have

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Lady Gaga: I'm a free bitch, baby!

Me: Same

   Now, with a title like this, how do you think a feel? Happy? Mad? Sad? Exhausted? Anything at all, even?

   Well, because my phone has like no storage at all, I can't even take a screenshot of the break up text.

   Let me tell you what happened since I feel like it now.

   Before our thanksgiving break, we spent our Friday afternoon together and no, we didn't fuck. We did things that most couples did. Kissing and cuddling, since it was cold.

   Before that, your... well, let's not call him a father anymore, shall we? Anyways, let's call him F. F said that his phone was stolen and it was hard to keep communication. He had another phone and that's where we could speak in social media, but I couldn't because I don't have Instagram on this phone. It was in an other device that I had, yet I never go there often during school hours.

   So that Friday morning, we arranged plans and agreed. During the afternoon while we were hanging out, I noticed that sun's arrangement somewhat changes his personality. You see, during the day he's quiet, shy, and doesn't show affection much. Suspicious, eh?  During the night, however, he becomes the opposite. Kind of like a kinky werewolf in a book I'd find here.

   He can sense me over thinking and helps me by distracting me with kisses. I find it very helpful at times.

   During the break, we haven't spoken much. I sent him a couple of memes to start off a conversation. We spoke, but... it stopped. I knew something went wrong.

   Finding that out, I over thought shit and my anxiety attacks came back again for a visit. That shit lasted for about a day or two.

   After the break, I forgot about it and continued studying. My science fair project was weighing down my shoulders and I wanted it gone. After the week, I felt so relieved... then anxiety visited once more... Why? Because F hasn't talked to me ever since. This time, I gave him excuses... Sadly, it only soothed the attacks like .1%...

   Tuesday, I received a text from him asking for a spare charger. Not even saying a hello or a sorry for the lack of communication. Being eager and generous for our future conversations, I gave him a charger... and we still haven't spoke...

   Like an idiot, I waited for him to text me first... Nothing! Then I began to think that I did something wrong! Wednesday night, I had the best attack I'd never forget for that!

   Thursday morning. I felt so drained from what occurred... and I had feeling that the relationship was gonna be over... I realized that he was never there when I needed him the most. I told him about my mental illness. I bet he didn't believe that shit was true. I've been leaving to school at around 7:30am and arriving there at 7:45am. The reason is because the library opens at 8. Sometimes if I'm lucky, I get to met some of F's friends. They're pretty cool in my book lately.

They came over and asked if I was still dating F... and I said yes and asked why... The answer broke my heart.

"Oh, really? Because F has been saying that he didn't have a girlfriend. We've said that it wasn't true because we've been hanging out with you. He kept dismissing about you."

Me: He's probably embarrassed or he wanted it to be private.

   That was one of the excuses I gave him. The library was open then and I entered there only to plan out my break up with an angry letter. I don't want to write it down because it's that personal. The bell rang and went to the tennis courts to begin my day. After that, my team went to the cafeteria and that's where I checked my phone. Like I said, I have no storage so I can't take a screenshot of it. It said:

I think we should break up.

   I was laughing at the text. It was about time he texted me. I texted back that I felt the same way and asked if it was true of what Hus friends said. He didn't reply so I gave another one.

It was? Pathetic.

   I couldn't find another word to describe him because it fitted in so well. I felt so free and happy after that. I told my friends about my break up with a smile and they thought I was crazy.

   So yeah, I'm finally single. Poor kid, couldn't even lasted a month. If he waited just one more day, it would've marked a month. Now, I can relax and not worry a thing.

Best wishes always,


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