2- Cloud

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When the stupid song finally finished, the white escimos said there thanks to everyone for listening. I looked at the ground to avoid any unnessasary eye contact with him.

The assembly was dismissed and I stood up.
Then what I hoped wouldn't happen, happened. Harry-fucking-styles is standing at the door way staring at me with those stupid green eyes.

"Chloe look at him, how can you not find him hot?" Evie whispered forcefully into my ear. I sniggered.
"I just don't"

As we drew closer to the door, he stood up straight and smirked at me.

I stayed quiet and looked at the ground..hoping he wouldn't cause a scene. Evie looked back at me before walking past him.

Just as I went to walk straight past him he stood in the middle of the doorway; blocking my exit.

Why can't he just leave me alone?

"did you like my performance?" he said, smugly.
"no" I answered blankly.
" thanks cloud." he chuckled.
" It's Skye you prick, and you know it." I raised my voice a little, and pushed past him. Embarrassed that there had been people waiting to get through the door. I nodded at them in apology and tried to walk away but found myself being pulled aside by a curly haired boy called harry.

" feisty, I like it." he smirked. looking me up and down and tightening his grip around my arm.
"fuck off" I scoffed, shaking off his grip and walking away.
To my annoyance, he followed close behind me.
" Don't talk to me like that.." I teased, why does he do this to me? I'm growing sick of it.
"fuck off" I repeated, this time more intensely.
" I'll tell people what happened a few weeks ago, and that means everything." He mumbled evily. he can't...he wouldn't.

"you wouldn't" I answered, keeping a calm front but inside I was nervous as hell.
"oh Skye, I think we both know I would."

I said nothing, but walked away fast as I could as his devilish words echoed through my mind.
If anyone ever found out, I would die. literally, move schools. whatever it took.

It's bad enough, being completely dependant on someone... it's even worse when that someone happens to be Harry Styles...my enemy.

hey guys how are you liking it so far? chapters are going to be shorter in this fanfic... and feel free to give me ideas of what to do next. thanks!

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