34- Call Him

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I rapidly blink away tears of disbelief and sadness.

I'm sorry, H x

I go over it over and over again.

Why did I even come again? I was so sure I was doing the right thing, certain that I knew what I was doing. Turns out, it was an utter mistake.

What was I thinking? Putting that much trust in someone like Harry. Someone as nasty and demented as Harry.

I feel stupid, I want to leave this bench but I don't feel like I have the strength. Without even thinking of what I'm doing I pull out my phone and call someone I shouldn't.

"Hey baby." dexter's voice answers on the fourth ring.
"You sound out of breath?" I question, his breathing is sounding throughout this phone call.
"I've been working out." He says, thoughts of Dexter working out flood my mind, muscles flexing under his tatttood skin.. Wait, dexter doesn't have tattoos; Harry does. I blush.
"Oh, where are you?"
"At home babe, you wanna come over?" He asks me, do I?

I should want to, I do want to.

"Yeah okay." I breath.
"See you in a bit then. Love you beautiful." He says before hanging up the phone.

I am left once again questioning why I came to meet harry, when I already have a perfect boyfriend of my very own. Who wants me, and only me.

Within minutes I am at dexter's door. Knocking it. Moments later footsteps are walking towards the door.

I am greeted with Dexter's white toothed smile and neatly groomed, gelled hair.

"Hi." I smile.
"Hello gorgeous." He smile widely, leaning forward and pecking my lips before standing back and allowing me entry to his flat.

Dexter lives alone, something I never really think about.

I know I turn 18 next year, but I can't picture myself moving away from my mum. I couldn't do that to her.

Me and Dexter talk for a while, about boring sports stuff. Nothing special.

Dexter's P.O.V

It was a close call, in the middle of banging Sophie when Skye's name flashed up on my phone screen.
Sophie told me to ignore it, dirty slag. If Skye wants to fuck me, I would much rather be known for taking Skye Morris's virginity than just another of many evenings of banging the slutty Sophie.

I pull myself out of Sophie and ignore her cursing of annoyance.

I'm not missing my chance to bang Skye, the lads would be so proud of me. I would be like king lad. It would work miracles for my rep.

Once I've got it, I can stop this whole 'dating' her shit, I hate it. It's hard trying to act like the perfect boyfriend all the time while she whines to me about her pointless problems and all I really want to do is get into her pants.

And boom, she wants to come to my house. This could be it, finally. After a long, boring time she wants my cock.

Obviously, I kick Sophie out and invite over Skye immediately. Need to go and put some cologne on my dick.

Skye's P.O.V

dexter is looking at me with an expression I've seen on his face many times. He's a lovely boy but I know something he wants from me which I haven't given him yet.

It's not that I don't think he's the right person, it's just maybe I don't feel quite comfortable loosing it just yet, my virginity is a big deal, right?

"So, what do you want to do?" He says, heavily hinting what he wants to do by softly trailing his stubby moist fingertips up and down my thigh.

I know I shouldn't but I do feel weirdly on edge, even though he is my boyfriend. And I love him.

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