21- Suprise Visit

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Everything has just gotten so messed up, I'm still struggling to believe he actually showed up. And I'm cursing myself that I didn't. I had reason not to come didn't i? Was it good enough is the question, maybe I'm just scared of confrontation. Scared that he was going to ask me a question I couldn't hide the truth to. I need to talk to him, I know he's been in the bad more than enough times... But this time; I am in the wrong.

Still, that isn't an excuse to go and fuck Sophie is it? I mean, I know it's not like me and harry have anything. But it does just annoy me that he treats girls like that. Then again- it is Sophie.

When I got home I didn't even bother greeting my mum, I'm just so very tired. Tired of Harry confusing me, tired of bitchy girls at school, tired of being me, tired of that everlasting battle with myself about who Harry is/could be if I allowed myself to get to know him. Or if he allowed me past his walls.

Hang on, what walls? What am I even saying. I think like I know him when in all honestly I really don't. That isn't to say I wouldn't like to know more about him; but I shouldn't jump to the conclusion that he might have a kind heart when I just don't know.

Niall's P.O.V

"So what happened between you and Skye when you walked her home?" Liam asked Harry, probably hoping for some graphic answer like 'oh yeah I banged her hard up the arse with her mum in the other room' or some shit like that, like what Harry normally says when he's done something with a girl. I don't want to hear it this time, not when he's talking about Skye. I was preparing to stand up, just as Harry replied.

"Nothing, nothing happened at all." Harry said, a blank expression on his face.

Wow... That's unexpected.

"Come on mate, something musta happened. She's fit, and your a lad!" Liam egged Harry on for some sort of explanation to why Harry walked her home and didn't expect any kind of reward?

It's unlike Harry to do something nice, without getting laid after.

"Yeah Harry, it's a surprise you didn't get any." I chuckled. I feel somewhat spiteful towards Harry. Thankful that he didn't do anything with her, but at the same time I don't like that he spent time with her and now isn't letting on...

Harry's expression looked quite pissed off, you can tell were getting on his nerves. Which is funny.

"Have you lost your charm Harry?" Liam teased, this is just getting more funny by the minute. Harry looks so irritated.

"Fuck off." He scoffed, clearly trying to keep his cool. Isn't fooling me.

"Maybe your not as good with girls as we thought, ay Liam?" I joked. I know I'm being a dick, but come on- his face is priceless.

"Guys guys!" Harry shushed and looked at me, then Liam "I'm going over there tonight, and I will Get some!"

Oh, there's Harry again. Typical him. He shouldn't be talking about Skye like that, it makes me feel so protective. It's not right, he shouldn't be doing that.

Skye's P.O.V

When I awoke I felt just as energy drained as I felt before I went to sleep; if not more!

I just want it to be the weekend, or even better- no school at all. I feel like I've got no one to talk to perry is nice, and of course Niall. And I sometimes talk to Louis, but I've got no solid friends who I can really talk to. I've got my first lesson with Niall. I could give talking to him a shot?

I walked into maths in my usual attire- leggings and a jumper. Niall looked at me and smiles, I like having a friend like Niall. He's cool, and nice. I wish Harry showed as much interest in me as Niall did.

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