9- Multiple personalities.

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I sat, still. I just don't know what to say. Harry means more to me than these girls, yet the thought of them thinking I lied about that makes me feel sick. I hate being embarrassed but it seems that that's been happening a lot since I met Harry.

I looked over at Harry, our eyes locked for a second but he closed them and looked away. Shaking his head. Then walked away...
How am I going to explain this?

"you lied then?" Sophie smirked as she took her seat.
"No? I didn't." I defended myself.
"so Harry lied?" Briah said, not harshly.
"no, me and harry didn't meet and we werent together. We bumbed into each other just a little bit before we saw you." I said, and that's not a lie.
"did you talk to him?" Jo asked, before looking at Sophie.
" briefly, barely though" I decided to push that amazing hour with Harry to the back of my mind. Maybe it didn't happen at all. Well that's what I'm going to force myself to think. I don't know why im lying for Harry but here I am.

The girls all looked at each other and sighed.
Finally, lunch finished. I thought it would never finish.
The relief soon turned into anxiety when I realised where I had to be next. History.

I walked hesitantly into the room, Harry was already in there. Great.

As I walked over to him I could feel his eyes on my legs and then my bust. He wasn't very subtle about it.
I suddenly wish that I hadn't worn this today.
I sat down and he cleared his throat but didn't say anything... part of me wished he would.

Class begin and Harry and I didn't even attempt to interact. I remember the other times when he made me laugh, and when we had banter. I smiled to myself and wished I could have that Harry back.

I actually listened for the first time in the last few lessons. Aside from Harry, I didnt really have anything else to focus on. And I guess I do need to catch up on what I've been missing. Nothing special.

About five minutes before the end of class Harry cleared his throat again to get my attention. I looked round at him.
"why did you tell people we were together? Like talking?" He asked, an irritated expression evident on his face.
I bit my lip before speaking, I do feel more confident today.
"Maybe because we were? I wasn't telling them either, they asked so I told them. I didn't think you would be so angry at me for telling the truth." I defended. quietly.
His face looked somewhat amused but was soon back to grumpy. He raised an eyebrow at me.
"You didn't have to tell them, they didn't have to know." He said, quite softly. I really love his voice.
"know what harry?" I asked. What does he mean know? it was two friends having a simple conversation, wasn't it? Memories of our cute conversation filled my head. the way he had laughed, I mean properly laughed. Today he seems like a completely different person.

"I dunno, that we were talking or whatever.. It's just embarrassing." ouch. well that hurts. a lot.
My heart ache came back, its not usually here untill after I see harry. but the pain in my chest is really dominating me.
"embarrassing?" I laughed. "your embarrassed that were friends?"
"Skye" Harry said loudly. "Were not fucking friends."
As if on cue, class was dismissed. He stormed away from me.

wow, just when I thought he couldn't hurt me anymore.

I saw all the college kids walking towards the gate. I isolated myself from them and took the side gate away from school. I don't want to be seen. I fled home as quickly as I could. Said hey to my mum and flew to my room. And shutting the door.

Why does harry get to me so much? ugh.

His green eyes, his curly hair, his dimples. Him.

I didn't let my meltdown last long, I gathered myself together. I thought I told myself I wasn't going to let him get to me anymore?

I pulled on some jeans and a jumper, cleaned my face, tied my hair up and walked out of the door.

Instead of going on the usual walk I go on past the park bench, I decide to go to a different area of homes chapel, I don't want walk past that bench...ever again.

I walked for about 20 minutes, breathing the air in to my heavy chest. I feel sick. He makes me feel sick. Well no, what he does to me makes me feel sick.

I preffered it when me and Harry didn't know each other Or at least when Harry used to tease me, and smirk at me. That was back when I hated him. Maybe the only thing that had changed was...me?
No, there was a definete change in him too in pretty sure. Maybe I just hadn't looked deep enough before? Or maybe I just didnt want to see he could be alright because of what he did to me that night.

I wish I could hate him again, like I used to. Most people can't understand how you can like someone that treats you like shit. But its so much deeper than that.

Wait, I don't like him... do I?
I decide not to answer that. The answer will just confuse me.

When I stop walking I reach a bakery, I stop outside and look in at the bread and baguls and all things nice. I wish I had brought money with me.

When I looked further than the shelves, I saw that there was a familiar curly haired boy in there. At a part time job? Well he was certainly wearing an apren. No way is harry a in a bakery, working.

No.. it can't be. He's not that kind of person... is he? I don't know him at all.

I stood and watched him.. smiling and laughing with these old women. No way is this the Harry I know. Definitely not. It can't be... surely.
My heart beat faster when him and the old women hugged. This can't be him. This is the cutest thing I've ever seen.

Suddenly Harry turned his head and his eyes met mine. A wave of shock rushed over his softened features. He frowned at me. I'm completely stuck to my place.

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