22- The Badboy And The jock

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Harry looked at me with dreamy eyes, " Is your mum in?" He asked.

"Yeah, you don't need to worry about her though. She's really ill so she won't be getting out of bed anytime soon." I half laughed, but just saying those words give me a ping of sadness. Not that I wanted her to come up just that she won't be out of bed for a while and that she's really ill.

Harry's facial expression changed from flirty to worried very fast. His eyebrows burrowed together and his lips slightly parted, he starred intensely into my eyes. My stomach fluttered and I fought back a smile.

" ill? How so?" He asked, do I tell him? Yeah, I know I shouldn't, but I do trust him. I can't place what it is, I just feel like I can talk to him. His eyes look like they're full of secrets.

"She had heart problems, she had a lot of surgery. She's recovering now though.." I shrugged, hiding back the ache in my own chest just from discussing it.

Sadness filled his eyes, and he looked sympathetic? Harry never fails to surprise me.

"Must've been hard." He murmured lowly, his eyes not leaving mine. I suddenly realised the proximity between us had shrunk and I was sitting just centimetres away from him.

"I handled it." I lied. As images of me breaking down, crying. Alone in the bathroom. Tears streaming freely down my face, fists clenched. Lungs feeling like they were going to burst. If my mum had died, I would have had no one left.

"Where's your dad?" Harry asked. It was blunt of him to ask that when he clearly wasn't around, but I could tell he didn't mean it harshly. I breathed in, trying to piece together a decent reply... But before I could- he spoke.

"Don't worry, you don't have to tell me." Harry half smiled at me, I will tell him.

"Erm, basically he left. A while ago now, so I don't care. He did some mean shit to my mum, took some money and left." I admitted, biting my lip as more sadness and sympathy filled Harry's face.

"Skye, I'm sorry." He reached out and held my hand.

I did a sudden double take... This is Harry; HARRY. Harry holding my hand? Harry being nice, kind and caring, this can't be right.

"It's fine, I don't care about that." I smiled. I don't care about that..

"Are you sure?" He looked puzzled, he lifted his hand up to my cheek and used his thumb to remove a..tear I wasn't aware had come out.

"Yeah." I smiled, suddenly feeling bold enough to remove his hand from my face and hold it.

His skin is so soft and warm, so comforting. His big hand is almost twice the size of mine...

"I don't see my dad much either, he fucked off with his new girlfriend ages ago. He beat me anyway, so I don't give a shit about him leaving me either." Harry sighed...wow... What? Wow...

I certainly didn't expect that, not that. Definitely not that! My mind is tangling over, Harry just opened up to me. I can't believe it. I feel a sudden rush of sadness for him, I can see the pain in his eyes, they're almost watering. I suddenly understand Harry's mean and snappy ways.. He's troubled. My sympathy is over powering me and I know exactly what I want to do.

"Sorry" I whisper, bring my thumb to his chin and pulling his face to meet mine.

An igniting feeling rushes through me as our lips connect. His hot breath giving me goosebumps.

My adrenaline is rushing, heart thumping. This is it, this is sober. His tongue slides smoothly into my mouth, the kiss is slow and gentle. There is passion, but it's softened right now due to the touchy subject we were just talking about. I'm stuck in the moment,feeling my whole body melting into him. I feel like the room is spinning, like everything else is a blur. Harry is an amazing kisser. His lips are so soft and delicate! His hands hold in to my waste and I move my left hand up into his soft curly hair and the right to the back of his neck.

Even though this isn't the first time I've kissed him, this feels the most real. Before, I was drunk, it was outside. I was confused and everything was a blur. This time, was perfect. It took place during an intimate conversation and I feel like me and Harry have really bonded. Nothing like ever before.

This isn't like any kiss I've ever experienced before, not that I've kissed loads of people but Dexter for example, his was more....DEXTER! Shit! Fuck!

I completely forgot I told him to come over, shit! What am I gonna do? What if he turns up while Harry is here? What will he do? What will Harry do? This can't be happening.

Harry broke the kiss and opened his eyes slightly, looking at me lazily.

"Something wrong?" He smirked. He obviously noticed something was throwing my off.

"Oh nothing, I just suddenly remembered my...friend is meant to be coming over any time now." I spoke nervously, this is so awkward.

*ring ring! ring ring!* my phone rang.

"That's probably them now." I laughed uncomfortably. Oh god...

Before I could reach it, Harry turned around and grabbed it. Wtf.

"Dexter?" Harry read out, his expression changing to a grimace. The phone rang on...

"Is that who's coming? Dexter Parker?" He looked disgusted. Probably because Harry's the bad boy type, and Dexter is more like a jock. Clean cut and sporty. Jock types are often known as assholes and players though- but not like Harry's rep is any better.

"Yep.." I breathed, tension clogging up in my throat. I wish I had of remembered that earlier..

"Why don't you just tell him your busy?" Harry rolled his eyes, this isn't fair.

"Because.. I told Dexter he could come, before you came." I cleared my throat in anticipation.

"Fine, I'll see you around then Skye." He stood up and dropped the phone into my hands, I didn't answer. It stopped ringing and I watched as Harry stood up and stormed out of my room, leaving me sitting on my bed, worried and confused.

Dexter's P.O.V

She didn't answer her phone, but that doesn't bug me because it's not like she would be out- what friends has she got to go out with? Haha, she better not be asleep. She needs to answer this dam door... Seriously. I'm not waiting here all night. There are plenty of other girls I could bang if she doesn't want to answer. Two girls in one evening is hasty I know; but hey, I'm Dexter Parker. I can do whatever the fuck I like.

The boys said I couldn't get Skye again, but here I am. At her door. Where she invited me.

I can hear her walking quickly and heavily to the door now, better turn my charm on...


Hey guys, hope you like the chapter- quite short I know. Dramatic twist don't you think? Dun dun dun... What is Dexter gonna say when the door opens and Harry is standing there? More importantly, what is Harry gonna say? Find out most likely tomorrow.. Or maybe later on, depends how I feel.

Remember to check out my Instagram - harrystyles_fanfics_x

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