25- Best Friends

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The idea of me loving Dexter through itself around my head. I'm pretty sure I loved him before but it was never openly confessed, and besides that was all shattered when he cheated.

Part of me feels that it's too soon to be on the I love you's. But I remind myself that we only carried on from where we left off before. So if ignore the gap we were apart for, then we've been together for about 5 months, wow. That's a long time...

I want to forget that we ever broke up, forget that he cheated. But my mind won't let me. My mind doesn't let me forget the moments I had with Harry either.

"Skye" I hear my mum call from her bedroom as I walk through my front door. I walk into her room quietly and sit on the edge of her bed.

"Yes mum?" I ask softly, looking into her colourless eyes.

"I love you." She says, her eyes watering. I love her too, so much.

"I love you too mummy." I feel my own eyes prickly with tears as my heart melts and my chest flutters. Mummy, did I really just call her mummy.

"Come here." My mum holds her arms out for me to hug her. I position myself lying down next to her in the bed, cuddling her. The warmth of her body comforting.

She no longer smells familiar, when I was young I remember her always smelling like musky roses and makeup. I love her smell, it's homey and reassuring. These days she smells like medicine, and hospitals. Her nurse comes over on a daily bases to help her bathe and change her bedding and make sure she eats. I feel sorry for her, that she's so weak she can't even wash herself. Each assisted bath she has I can see the shame in her eyes.

She's well on the mend though, her cancer has gotten so much better since a few years ago. And she hasn't had an operation in about a year.

"How you doing baby?" Her voice sounds hollow inside her, my head is resting on her chest so her words are vibrating against my ear.

"I'm good mum, really good," I say. "I'm back with Dexter!"

I'm surprised I haven't mentioned this to her before. I've been back with him for a short while now but I haven't really properly spoken to mum. I used to talk to her every single day for hours. I used to tell her everything.

"Really?" I can't quite place the emotion behind my mums voice, it doesn't sound as enthusiastic as I would hope... But she is ill so that's probably why.

"Yeah! He's so good to me mum. Can he come for dinner soon? You can talk to him properly then." I say, picking my head off her chest and looking at her.

She smiles weakly.

"Of course he can Skye, I'm glad you've found someone." She nods.

"How's Evie? Haven't seen her in a while?" She frowns slightly. I think I'll just tell her the truth.

"I dunno, we're not really friends anymore." I shrug. She sighs and looks at me with a confused look.

"Why's that?"

"Things change, people change. She's not a very nice person anymore." I admit, I haven't thought about Evie in a long time. I know she's a complete bitch but I have to admit I miss her. She's been my best friend for ages and I miss having someone to talk to.

"There has to be more to it than that, Evie has always been such a lovely girl. I wouldn't give up on a friendship so strong." My mum's words sink into me. She's right, but I've done nothing wrong to Evie, she turned on me for no reason.

"Mum, I wish you were right. But there's nothing I can do- Evie just randomly told me she didn't want to be friends anymore. I can't change that." I say honestly. I wish I could. I wish things could go back to how they were a few months ago. Before all this stuff with Harry. Before that small group of girls came into Evie's life and took her away.

"Talk to her, I'm sure she'll listen. Invite her over for dinner." Mum suggests. Is she crazy? Did she not just hear what I said about Evie not wanting to be friends?

"She doesn't want to be my friend." I moan, it hurts to say that. My mum looks sympathetic.

"Skye, see if she has anything to say. She might have a good reason, you'll never know unless you talk to her. Come on, I know you guys got along so well it can't all just suddenly end like that. There must be more to it."

My mothers wise words reach me on many levels. She's completely right, there must be more to it, there must be. Me and Evie were so close, I used to tell her everything. She was someone I could trust with anything and everything. She understood me and I understood her. We could be around each other for ages and not run out of things to talk about, even stupid things but we always agreed with each other on most things. And the things we didn't; we would just laugh about and jokingly insult each other.

I miss her so much and I didn't even realize. I'm going to take mum's advice and call her.

"I think I'll call her and see if she wants to come over, thank you mum." I smile, giving her one last hug and kiss on the forehead.

"No problem sweetie, goodluck"

I smile and walk light footedly out of her room and grab my phone.

I hesitate and breath deeply before calling Evie.

"Hi?" Her voice picks up, she sounds confused.

"Hey it's Skye." I breath uncomfortably.

"I know. Why are you calling me?" She asks, her tone only slightly harsh.

"I...I wanted to... My mum said... I... Why don't we talk anymore?" I stutter, my lungs contracting heavily.

"I don't really know." I hear her sigh.

"Did I do something wrong? That made you not want to be my friend anymore?"

"Er Skye I don't know what to say... It's complicated." She says blankly.

"Look we can talk this through, come over now. For dinner, please." I practically beg, I wait I'm anticipation for her response.

"Fine." She sighs.

About half an hour later, there's a knock at the door.

I open it to see my ex best friend standing awkwardly on my doorstep.

"Hey." She rolls her eyes, looking me up and down. I can already feel this isn't gonna be easy.

"Hiya, come in" I say, opening the door allowing her access.

We walk up to my room, she follows me about a meter behind me, walking slowly.

She walks into my room and looks around.

"You moved your bed around." She says, no emotion in her tone but her eyes seem somewhat pained.

"Oh yeah, I got bored of it by the window." I smile, her eyes trace over the rest of my room almost as if she's checking to see if I had changed anything else.

"I missed you." My mind speaks involuntarily. She looks a little shocked. Her red lips part slightly.

"Oh." She shrugs.

"If I have done something wrong please tell me." I plead, this girl used to be my best friend I shouldn't feel embarrassed to open up to her.

"Stop trying to act so innocent, you know what you did." Her words leave me speechless. What the fuck have I done? Nothing, I've done nothing. What? I'm so confused.

"Huh?" I speak my mind.

"Sophie told me what you said about me, I am NOT a social climber.." She frowns.

Sophie!!!!!! Sophie is the reason me and my best friend aren't friends anymore. She's a bitch, I knew it.

"Evie! That's a lie! I promise you I never said that, you have to believe me." I beg. She looks thoughtful...

"I don't know Skye"

"I'm not friends with Sophie, personally I think she's a bitch. Why would I say anything mean about you to her?"

I'm beyond pissed off. How could Sophie have done that, that's so wrong.

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