11. Kings, Queens, Charlies, and Aces

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I manage to mosey my way around the house, listening for the guy's deep laughter, but I don't find any. The air conditioning system clicks on, causing a chilly draft to circulate. As I've said before, I don't do well with cold. I stop to slip Aiden's hoodie on over my tank top. Despite only having it off for a little over an hour, I missed it. It's so much warmer than my clothes usually are and it feels like velvet on my skin. I assume I'll have to give it back soon, but I'll enjoy it while I can. 

There's a quiet feeling hanging in the air, too quiet to me. Did I just wander so far back in the house that I'll never get out? I chuckle at the thought. The headlines of the news would say, "Girl gets Eaten by Monster House," it would be great. 

"Aiden!" Maybe if I can't find him, he'll find me. 

I run my hand along the coarse wallpaper, waiting for a response, but none comes. 

"Aiden!" I call again, but a little louder this time. Still, no response. Hmm. 

I turn the corner but before I can even make few steps, Aiden jumps out of a room, "Boo!" and here's the embarrassing part, I fell straight on my butt.

 I glare up as him as his friends come out, laughing, "asshole," I mutter. 

He reaches a hand down to me, laughing as well. His smirk is clear on his face, "Awe, come on, Sweetheart, it was just a game." The look in his eyes, it's different than it was earlier this morning. It's more mischievous and, for lack of a better word, assholish. The way he said "sweetheart" was not the him I'd gotten used to last night. I guess his bipolar tendencies really came out around his friends. He's back to being the cocky asshole. 

"A game I'm not interested in playing." I smile a bit to show I'm not actually that upset. I don't take his hand. I just stand to my feet and roll my eyes as the fake hurt look he gives me. 

"Sweetheart, how could you dare not take my hand?" He moves his hand to his solid chest and gives a little pout. 

"It's fairly easy, all I had to do was help myself up instead of letting you do it." I pause. "So how long were you waiting to scare me?" 

"Not long, only since we heard you calling. Now that I think of it, why were you calling for me? Missed your handsome prince?" He gestures to himself with a wink. 

"No, I got lost in some imp's house." Why did I say that? That wasn't a good comeback at all.. 

While my inner me scolds me, he responds, "Did you call me an imp?" He loses the smirk and stares at me quizzically. "I have to say, in all the years that I've been around, not once has someone called me imp."

Well, at least I'm unique... 

Ace gives a snort of laughter, I'd almost forgotten the others were even here. They'd been so quiet, I hadn't even noticed their presence. 

Jack speaks up as well, "We should watch a movie." 

"Why?" Aiden responds. 

"Cause I want to watch a movie." Jack says in a 'duh' sort of voice. 

"We know you don't like movies but we're watching one so that sucks for you." Ace chimes in. 

Carter just looks bored of the conversation, he seems to stare off into the distance a bit. Like what you do when you're sitting in biology wondering why it's necessary to learn about polarity and atoms. 

I don't see the other one though, I can't remember his name either, otherwise I would ask where he was. We all wander downstairs, me following them since obviously I couldn't find my way out of this maze even if someone paid me to. 

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