22. Bark before Bite

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Word Count: 2261

Date Published: May 14, 2018

Charlie's P.O.V.

We strolled hand in hand to the school's entrance, catching a few eyes on the way. I don't think people really expected the nobody to walk in with such a...well, somebody.

Aiden kept his gaze calm and collected, not giving the crowd anything interesting to gossip about aside from our hands clasped together. Aiden may have been chill about all of this, but my heart was thumping in my chest so hard I could've sworn anyone within a hundred yards could hear it.

Aiden knows all. I don't know how, but he always seems to know what's going through my head. As soon as we're through the doors, he leans down closer to my ear so as not to let anyone around us in on what he was going to say, "Don't worry about them. They don't matter. Everyone here knows better than to mess with you now for sure, you don't need to pay them any attention."

I don't know about you, but something about that made my heart flutter. Was he saying that he was going to protect me and no one could hurt me with him here? If so, swoon.

Despite the reassuring words from Aiden, my pulse was still doing summersaults. It didn't help that Aiden's hand held mine, that just put even more butterflies in my stomach, but at least those ones I like in a way.

We walked to his locker first. His hand turned the little combination lock a few times before it clicks open. He shuffled around through the messy locker, grabbing out a few books. He slammed the locker a little hard for my liking but he clearly didn't care about the school's property.

From there, we went to my locker. With every step, I hoped we would not find Pete lurking around. I know Aiden said he wouldn't get in a fight, but give me some credit; I know him better than that. I don't blame him for being so mad, I am as well, but I'd still like an explanation before Aiden beats his head into the ground. Plus, I'd rather not see just how violent he can get. 

As if Satan had heard me, I catch a glimpse of Pete's golden hair. 

Oh god, please don't let this end badly. 

When Aiden never noticed Pete, I realized I had been holding my breath. Luckily he and I had managed to pass by without Aiden even sparing him a glance. I was just beginning to believe it was because Aiden hadn't actually seen him when he looks at me and says, "I'll deal with him after school." 

My heart sunk. 

With that, we headed to my locker and then to class; My stomach in knots all the while.


The final bell rang. I was ready to take off in a dead sprint for Aiden's car. Maybe he'd follow instead of becoming distracted by Pete. Maybe I can convince him I don't feel good and that I just want to go home. 

I took off down the hall, passing Aiden in the process. With luck on my side, I manage to become lost in the crowd. He had tried to say my name but I pretended not to hear him. I knew somewhere in the sea of people, he was attempting to follow me. I just kept my head straight and my mind on my goal.

Just get to the car.

If you can't tell, I really am worried about a fight in the courtyard. If that goes down, I can't imagine the suspensions. Not to mention the injuries. Football player or not, Pete won't be a match for Aiden. I don't care what he did to me, I don't want to be the reason he gets a broken nose or worse. 

I make it out the front doors but sadly, only halfway through the parking lot when I suddenly feel my arm yanked and I'm spun around. 

"What the hell, Charlie?" Aiden actually looks out of breath. Confusion is written all over his features.

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