Diner Flashbacks, what fun. not.

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Alright peoples, I want to tell you that at random moments Aisling will have flashbacks while in town. Just thought I should warn you. anyway, you know the drill. Vote, Rate, and Comment. by the way, I do not own any original characters from Twilight or Supernatural. I only own Aisling and her mom. please enjoy the story.


I woke up to the sun coming through the wind shield. "Ugg." I groaned, not wanting to wake up. "Dean, where are we?" I asked groggily. When he didn't say anything I guessed that he was giving me the silent treatment because I had almost let myself get killed when we attacked those Vampires. "Sam, will you tell me where we are, and where's dad?" I asked this time. Still no answer.

"Ugh, fine don't talk just-" I was sitting up while saying this and when I looked to the front I saw that I wasn't in Dean's Impala, I was in my Charger, on my way to Forks, because dad is dead, and he wanted me to get out of the hunting life. Tears pricked my eyes when I realized that I was really alone this time. I sighed and climbed to the front, turning the car on and starting once again for the little town of Forks.

On the way to the town a semi passed me, leaving the town, and I thought of the crash. I shook my head really fast before any memories come through. It was about an hour later that I saw the sign. "The City of Forks Welcomes You." And a small town came into view.

I pulled into a diner and walked in. I looked around and almost laughed. I guess being with Dean since I was 15 had an affect on me, now I actually want to eat at diners. I sat down and ordered the breakfast special thinking about the year when it was just Dean and me.

We didn't get along at first, but after a few cases and several arguments, we became close. Then there was the time that he told me about Sam. Ha! I remember the shock of finding out about another brother. I was still in my thoughts when my food came, so as I was eating the last thing I expected was for someone to sit next to me.

"New in town?" I glanced up calmly, (come on, it takes a lot more to scare me) and continued eating. "Maybe, depends if I can find my new house." I replied. The man that sat next to me was obviously a cop, he just had that aurora about him. He had dark hair with a slight few grey streaks through it, and a mustache. he seemed like he was in his forties or so, which creeped me out that he sat next to me and asked me that.

If he wasn't a cop, I'm going to find one real soon. He smiled at me kindly and gestured to himself. "My name's Charlie. I'm the cheif of police, mind telling me where your parents are?" 6 feet under I considered saying, but I thought better of it.

"Already at the house, problem is that they can't make a map to save their lives and I didn't want some stranger handling my car." I lied smoothly. He nodded his head, gullible I thought. Oh well, better that then having to explain why i'm living on my own. "Do you have the address with you? This town is so small I know it like the back of my hand." I chuckled and pulled out hte crinkled and folded note Dad gave me the day he....died. I handed it over to him trying not to cry. I had folded and unfolded it a million times, reading his handwriting. It was the same as the actual letter he gave to Bobby to give to me. unwillingly my mind made me remember that moment in the hospital.


I was getting a Snickers from the vending machine when Dad came up behind me. "Hey, can I talk you for a second?" He asked me. "Sure Dad, no problem." I answered smiling. I was happy because Dean just woke up, even though the doctors said he wouldn't. He walked with me over to the chairs and sat down, I copied his movements and sat down beside him. He took my hand and squeezed it. "You know you were real lucky. You were leaning on Dean when the truck hit, and somehow manage to not get any serious injuries. a fractured ankle, that's it, there's an angel looking after you." I smiled softly at that. It was true, for some bizarre reason I wasn't hit that hard in the crash. I had only managed to get a fractured ankle, plus the injuries that the demon had given me. Iv'e been on crutches for a while now, but the doctor said I might be able to get away with just a brace here in two weeks.

(AN: Okay people, I know that it was a week after he died that they started doing jobs again, but let's pretend that it was three weeks after, okay?)

"I'm real glad you're okay, and that you'll be okay. I want you to know that I love you as much as I love my boys. I always have. When I found out that Sara was pregnant with you, I stayed away because I didn't want this life for you. I had already dragged the boys into it, I didn't want you to get caught up in it too. Then when Your mom died, I knew that it wouldn't be long until other supernatural things would attack you. It's like Sam says, it's the family curse. I'm so sorry you had to be brought into this, but I didn't want you to be alone. I want you to remember that no matter what, I will love you, and never for a minute did I regret you. Do you understand?" I was shocked. Why was he talking like, like...like he was going to die.

"What's wrong dad? Why are you talking like this? I already know this, you're talking like you're on your death bed! Stop it, you're scaring me." By now tears were coming out of my eyes. He smiled and squeezed my hand. "You were always a smart one. Take care of yourself. Promise?" Now the tears were flowing down my face and I started to shake my head.

"No, dad I won't. Because Dean and Sam, and, and....and you will do that. I'm not on my own, I have you. So I won't promise that." I was blubering. It was embaressing that me of all people were blubering, but I couldn't help it. Dad either was going to do something terrible, or already did.

"Please sweet heart, just do it for me." He begged. I cracked. I buried my head into his chest sobbing. I knew that he was already gone. For some reason unknown this was his last day, and I couldn't stop it. He said soothing words to me and rubbed my back. after a bit I nodded my head, unable to talk.

"Thank you. Here, take this." He pressed a little note into my palm and lifted my head so I could see his face. there, in his eyes was love, passion, honesty, sadness. But not an ounce of regret. Whatever caused him to lose his life today was done on his terms. He'll be going down willingly. "The next time you see Bobby give this to him, he'll know what to do. I love you." He hugged me really hard, but then had let go and started towards Dean's room. I just  sat there crying, not even caring about the world around me.

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