The One Truth

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Here's my newest chapter!!!!!! Oh, I just want to let you know that I do not own any of the chapters or plot to Twilight and Supernatural. I just wanted to make that clear. I'm sorry for the wait but I was busy with school, but know that school is almost over I have more time to write.  I hope that you like this, so please enjoy.....BEING A WINCHESTER.

Oh, and PS: uh, I forgot to show the picture of Aisling's house, soooo there it is on the side!


You know when you yawn that you tend to stretched your arms outward? Well, imagine doing that action in one direction with both arms holding a racket. Now, pretend that person is putting as much force as they possibly can into the swing. You got that? Yeah, now I want you to imagin me right beside this person (Laura) and get smacked in the face with the racket and hear her say,

"Sorry, I lost my footing and stepped too far. I hope that you're okay." I swear that I imprints of the pattern on my face. If she did it one more time, I will-

"Ah!" I squeaked, falling onto my face after being tripped by Laura's outstretched foot while going to hit the ball thing over the net. That's it, hell's breaking loose.

"What is your problem?" I shouted, turning to an innocent-looking Laura. She blinked those baby blue eyes and flipped her "perfect" blonde hair. I think my anger just went up a notch.

"Whatever do you mean Aisling? I'm sure you just tripped on your own feet. I hope you're okay." She told me in a fake voice. It made me grit my teeth together. That liar.

"Yeah, and I suppose that getting hit in the face with your racket was an accident as well, huh?" I challenged, daring her to say yes. Just say it, give me a reason to-

"Of course it was!" She exclaimed. Ooooh, she just signed her death warrant. I took a deep breath, clearing my mind. Then I looked into her eyes, giving her the best death glare I could muster; and I lunged.

"YOU BITCH!!!" I screamed, punching her straight in the jaw. Of course, since she's just an over sized barbie doll she fell to the ground, crying in pain. I stood up, looking down at her waiting for when she came up to attack. But you know what? The only thing that happened was her crying, the coach sending me to the office, and seeing a lot of glares from the kids around me.

"What?" I asked, while walking to the office. They scattered. Pansies. I held my head high while going to the office, not caring how people thought of me. Once in there I saw a very angry principle glaring at me with a red face. I just snorted and leaned on wall.

"So how long will I be suspended for?" I asked boredly. I think he went a shade darker. Wow, I've never seen someone so red, well a live person so red. When hunting you see a lot of gory sights.

"Two Weeks!" He shrieked. I sighed and shook my head. Wasn't it normal to be suspended for two or three days, not two weeks? That's how it was back at my old school. Oh well.

"Alright, do you want me to-" I started, looking at him, only to see that he was practically steaming. I sure if this was a cartoon that there would be steam coming out of his ears and a wall of fire would be around him. Damn, he's pissed.

"GO!" He screamed, pointing to the door. I held my hands up in surrender and walked out slowly, as if he was a wild animal. Once outside I sighed and headed to my car, deciding to wait there until Bella got out. I still needed to tell her about my past. I feel guilty for telling the Cullens before her, when I've known her longer! Faintly I heard the bell ring from the school, and started my car. I started to drive to the pick up spot when I spotted her with Edward. I sighed and drove over there, knowing that Edward wouldn't be too happy with me for taking his girlfriend away. Oh well, he can get over it.

I pulled up in front of them and rolled down the passenger window, revealing Bella's shocked face and Edward's amused one. I guess he won't be mad, eh it makes this easier.

"Get in." I told her simply, not giving her a choice. Bella blinked, surprised, then looked at Cullen as if to ask permission. That irked me even more, I already wasn't in a good mood as we all know and if he even tries to keep her from coming with me I will go Hunter on his ass. There's more than one way to skin a cat, or in this case a Vampire.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow morning. It was nice seeing you Aisling." With a nod to both me and Bella, he left for that shiny Volvo. That's right, run away. Don't test me Cullen. I thought to myself while glaring at his retreating back. Suddenly it seemed like his shoulders were moving up and down; as if he was laughing at something.....oh. He could read my mind when I think directly at him. I forgot that. I was snapped out of my thoughts at the sound of Bella shutting my car door, actually it was almost a slam. Uh, who said she could beat up my car?

"Listen Bella, I know you might be pissed that I took you away from your boyfriend over there, but that does not mean you can take it out on my car. Now, let's go." I grumbled, still pissed off at Laura and having Bella being pissy with me wasn't helping. Tip, never have two pissed off girls in the same car. It's very much possible that they'll end up killing each other. Bella sighed and looked at me with a sorry face.

"Sorry about that, I-" I held my hand up, stopping her mid-sentence.

"Don't worry about it. Anyway, let's go to my house." I gave her a trademark Winchester grin and drove away to my house.

Once there and inside the house I took her to my room and sat on my bed. Bella sat next to me and sighed, looking around.

"So, uh why did you want to talk to me?" Bella questioned. I looked away, trying to find out a way to do this. I mean, this is the big family secret, the one thing we're not supposed to tell people. Great, if Dean knew what I was about to do he'd kill me!

"Bella...I know that the Cullens are Vampires and that they drink animal blood. So, uh, if you are sure about Edward then by all means have fun but, don't test him?" I ended with an awkward question. Bella simply stared at me, shocked. I sighed and laid back on the bed. Thus, I began to tell yet another person my secret.

Being a WinchesterTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang