The Monster

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Alright, Here's a new chapt of Being a Winchester. I have an announcement as well, I am holding a contest for this story. What you do is make a trailer for this story, and every time I find one that I like i'll post it on a chapt and dedicate the chapter to you. When I find the best one I will enter you into the story as an extra character. This contest ends at June 30th. I welcome any questions you might have on this matter. I wish you all good luck! Now, for our disclaimer.

Dean: Zorlia does not own Supernatural

Edward: Or Twilight. By the way, you can't kill me that way Dean.

Dean: What the hell? Quit reading my mind leech!

Zorlia: Shut up, your giving me a headache.


"Normally these things aren't harmful, actually most would say that they're pleasurable." Right now we were at the Cullen's home in their dinning room. I was at the head of the table with a giant book open in my arms, and some files in front of me on the table. My brothers sat on either side of me with stakes and shotguns in hand. I mentally sighed. I had told them it was no use, but they didn't listen, of course.

"Why's that?" Jasper asked, eyeing my brothers. I'm guessing he was trying to calm them down. I cleared my throat, stopping Dean from snapping at the Vampire.

"Well, there are two types of these things. The male version called an Incubus, and the female Succubus. We are dealing with a female. These kind of demons feed on one's soul through, ah-" I tried to find a subtle way of saying it. Alice giggled.

"Just say it bluntly, we won't mind." She advised. I gave her a weak smile, this was embarrassing.

"Well, they feed on your soul through sexual desires. Or basically through sex in your dreams." I said in a flat tone. Sam rose his eyebrows and coughed, while Dean frowned.

"So your saying these boys had a wet dream and kicked the bucket, I don't believe it." I rolled my eyes.

"Not exactly. Like I said a Succubus is normally harmless," I started but was cut off by Dean.

"No, I mean I can't believe these kids get a sweet death!" He said grinning, Emment howled with laughter as most of the men smiled and the girls frowned. I shook my head, how am I related to that boy?

"Anyway, the only time they really are harmful is when their victim is sick. Carisle this is where you come in." I pointed to him, regarding the many files in front of him. He nodded and passed them around.

"These are the victims so far and each of them had some kind of sickness. James Kindred had a tumor in his leg, it was going to be removed in just one week after his death. Another just got over a bad cold."  I nodded my head. Sam wrote down what information was being given and looked up.

"How do we kill it?" He asked. I sighed, sitting down.

"That's the million dollar question. There are way to protect yourself from them, such as a dream catcher with a pentagram or such. But to kill it, there's not a firm standing on that one. These things are astral beings that come inside your dreams, so it's not like you can shoot it. I looked into earlier and found a way to banish it back to it's  own realm though." I leaned over the book and grabbed a file I had brought with me.

"It's a lesser demon banishment ritual. It takes a Gnostic Pentagram and the usual Latin incantation. The trick is to catch it. It can choose any one person in town, and we won't know. They don't physical forms so we can't see them." I explained, giving the file to Sam. He went over it and frowned. Then an idea came to me.

"We can summon it though." I said, going over the idea in my head. Dean frowned and leaned back. "If we can summon it into physical form and preform the ritual then, it should go." I mused out loud.

"Won't that be dangerous?" Esme asked. I smiled at her, she reminded me of my own mom so much.

"Don't worry, I'll keep these boys safe." I reassured.

"No you won't." I frowned at Dean's statement. I looked over at him, wanting him to explain. "You promised dad no more hunting. That means no more hunting." He said.

"It's too dangerous for you two to do this alone. You need a FEMALE with you. A Succubus takes the form of your fantasy girl, that you you'll be seduced. Besides, you came to me with this and I'm going to see it through, whether you like it or not. Besides, my normal life is screwed with these fang faces around." I replied, throwing a playful look at the Cullen family.

"She has a point Dean." Sam said, looking at the veggie vamps. I rose an eyebrow at my stubborn brother as he took a long look around.

"Fine, but this is the last time. Understand me Aisling?" He ordered. I rolled my eyes ut went along with it.

"Yes sir." I mock saluted him. He grumbled under his breath.

"Do you need help?" Edward asked. I shook my head.

"Nah, we got it covered. If anything goes wrong you'll be on my speedial. Besides, I have a feeling miss pretty pixie will be keeping an eye out on us." I told him. Alice giggled and nodded her head. We left after that in Dean car. Did I ever say how much I missed being in the backseat of his car? Well I missed it a lot.

"Mind telling me why your friends with those leeches?" Dean asked, glaring at me through the rearview mirror. I sighed.

"Their veggie vamps, eating only animals. Besides, they're a different breed of Vampire. These guys can only be killed by having their limbs ripped off and burned. And their skin is harder than a diamond. There are more like their kind, both veggie and ah, 'meat' eaters. you can tell the difference by the golden color of their eyes. Gold eyes, veggie. Red eyes, no so veggie." I explained for the millionth time.

"How do know their not lying?" Sam asked, turning to face me.

"I had them prove it. Last weekend I went over to get my knife back and well, I found that Emment had bent it backwards for fun. I also saw them in sunlight, lit up like a disco ball. I believe them, and if they were lying to just kill me, I'll kill them before they get the chance." I answered. It's true, if it all was just a ruse, then I'll kill them all in a heartbeat.

"Alright, let's go kill a Succubus." Dean announced, ending our conversation. I smiled, it just like old times.

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