Forks, spoons, but no knives??

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alright people, in this story it's about a week after Bella first got there. so keep the peace and vote comment and fan.

After I had finished eating Charlie led me to my new house. Let me tell you a little secret, if your the new girl in a small town, don't have a police cruiser escort you to your home. It tends to have people stand and stare. When we got there, I told him that I got here before my parents did. "Well, If you need anything, my daughter and I live only down the road, the door's always open for you. Have a good day." He walked to his cruiser and drove home.

I smiled, then frowned when it started to pou down rain. "Are you freaking kidding me?" I screamed out at the rain. The only answer I got was the boom of thunder. I growled and walked up to the door. I slammed the door shut behind me after having to stand in the rain trying to make the key work. Finally I just decided to pick the lock, and got in on the first try. Can anyone say FML? I looked around to see a room with things covered in white sheets.

This house hasn't been used in years! I pulled a sheet off an object by the wall to see a dusty couch. It was old and had black fabric. I pulled the sheets off of everything else and found that I was in the living room. Along with the couch there was a small recliner, a T.V, a coffee table and two stands, one by the couch, the other beside the recliner.

I tossed my keys on the table and walked into an adjoining room. Basically the rest of the night consisted of me uncovering furniture. It was ten at night when I finally made it to my bed. It had silk black sheets and pillows. I layed down, an before my head had even hit the pillow I was asleep. The next day I woke up I had to get ready for school. After I threw an outfit on I realized that I haven't been to a real school in about 3 years. I wonder if I'll have trouble fitting in? Nah. I'll do fine.

As I climbed into my car I noticed a certain duffle bag I forgot that I even packed. I opened it to find all of my hunting supplies. I saw my prized silver dagger admist all the weapons. I went to grab it but hesitated. Dad said this place was safe, so I shouldn't need it. But, I don't go anywhere without at least some kind of weapon on me. To be truthful, I feel naked without my dagger. After a few minutes of deliberation, I zipped the bag up and drove to school.

When I got there I started to regret my decision of not wearing my dagger, but since i'm supposed to be normal here, I better not bring it with me. People were staring at my car as I pulled up beside an orange truck. I got out and headed straight for the office, avoiding the stares of actual normal people. As I walked in there I got feeling, and it wasn't a good one. My gut said that there was something fishy going on here, and I after hunting for so long, I knew to trust my gut. But the problem was that Dad said this place was safe, and I trust him more then myself. So I ignored my gut.

When I walked into the office the first thing I saw was paper. The place was covered in it like confetti! They were all mainly of gatherings, clubs, and dances. Next there was the plants growing from pots scatter throughout the room. *Not like there isn't enough greenness already.* I thought wryly. I went to the desk and saw a large woman with red hair and glasses typing away at the computer. "Ahem." I cleared my throat to get her attention. She still didn't notice me. "Excuse me?" I tried, still to no avail. after trying every polite way to get her attention I finally snapped.

"Listen lady!" I yelled. I yelled. She looked up at me startled, then scowled. "Yes?" She asked in an annoyed tone. I rolled my eyes at her attitude. "I'm the new student here. My name's Aisling Winchester, grade 11." I informed her. She attempted to smile, but as all awesome hunters like me say, it was an epic fail. She handed me my schedule and showed me the quickest way to my first class on the map.

"You can have someone else help you to class afterwords." She told me with that fake smile of hers. I grinned sarcastically at her and left the room. My first class is in building 3; it was a maroon colored building made out of bricks. The classroom itself was small, and the teacher, Mr. Mason, signed my slip without even making me introduce myself!

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