Stand in the rain.

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The title is dedicated to a part of this chapter where I think the song "stand in the rain" by Superchick is perfect for it. I'll tell you when it gets to that part, but all the same I thought I would explain the title. I just want to let you know that i'm going to mush a lot together in this chapt, so it's going to be longer than my normal ones. I do not own Supernatural or Twilight, and I am not getting any profits from this, this is just a fan fiction. By the way, one time when I was on Quizilla I looked up a Dean oneshot and one of the results said it was a Lemon/Wincest. I of course had no idea what it meant and checked it out.........I am forever scarred. If you are a wincest fan I mean no offense but....THEY DO NOT LOVE EACH OTHER LIKE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THEY ARE BROTHERS FOR GOODNESS SAKES!!!!!! That is all, please enjoy the chapter. By the way, My computer is being stupid and won't let me upload the video right now, so you need to go to youtube and search stand in the rain lyrics and pick on the results. sorry :(

I now officially feel bad for Bella, she just got done ranting about how Edward is purposely irritating her. It would seem that all the boys are asking her to the spring dance......where the girl is suppose to ask the girl to go, not the other way around. Heh, in my opinion, even though it's the girl's choice, I'd want my guy to go ahead and ask me. I've always like the dominate ones....anyway, right now we're on my bed listening to some Flyleaf (one of my fave bands....sure AC/DC is okay, but i'm not Dean!) as she ranted some more about him.

"He's just sooo, urg!!!! I'm so mad at him, one moment he's talking to me, then he ignores me saying that we can't be friends. Am I the only one confused?" She asked me desperately. I chuckled but shook my head. "Maybe he's just bi polar. I met a guy like that once, let me tell you....I had whiplash just from having one conversation with the dude. one moment he's fine and happy, then crying about this and that, and suddenly pissed at the world for some dumb reason." I joked. She smiled at me.

"Very funny. Hey, why is it that whenever I'm here It's always only you here?" She asked me. I hesitated. I've lied so many times, I guess I owe her this much...right? "My parents are dead." I told her quietly. She gasped. "My mom died when I was 13. My Dad found me and had me come with him on the road with Dean and Sam, my brothers, and raised me from then. Right before I came here though, He....We, got in a car crash. By this time Sammy was with us, and we were all in Dean's car when a semi hit us. I was lucky, only a broken ankle, but dad wasn't so lucky." Bella was silent, letting me speak.

"Dean was in a coma for a while, the Docs didn't think he'd wake up, but he did. We went to uncle Bobby's and stayed there for a while, and I decided to move away...from everything. I wanted to start new, not be on the road again, which I knew would happen if I stayed. So I got a car, packed and came here. Dad bought this house once so, I wasn't worried. I live here alone Bella. Please don't tell anyone." I pleaded. The last thing I needed was someone trying to make me move or have some a guardian.

"Don't worry, I won't. But how are you living here on your own? How do you afford anything?" I smirked at that. "I have leftover money from when I was traveling, and you know I got a job at the Diner as a waitress. Anyway, I'm fine here. So, are you excited to go to the beach? Mike was talking about it in class today. I guess it makes up for the failed snowball fight." I grimaced.

Bella laughed and threw a pillow at me. I dodged it and chuckled. "Maybe, I mean the beach might be fun." She started. "But..." I drawled out, wanting to know what was wrong. "But, I kinda am thinking about not going." I frowned. "It's just that I don't think that i'll have fun that's all!" She hurried to explain. I smiled at her, knowing exactly what she meant.

"I understand, but please go, for me?" I gave her my puppy dog eyes, the ones that no one can resist. I had Dean decide who's puppy eyes was better, mine or Sam's, and he said that mine topped Sam's by a mile stone. I prode myself in that since Sam uses his puppy eyes to get people to tell us about the supernatural, or to get Dean to try something new. I saw her resolve crumbling, and finally after a record of five minutes, (the longest it took anyone to give in. I now have new respect for her.) She gave in. "Fine, only because you asked and gave me the puppy eyes." She muttered at the end. I laughed some more and laid down on my back. "Hey Aisling?" Bella asked. I looked up at her.

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