The call

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Hey Hey Hey! What do you say? Vote, Comment, and Fan!!!!! Welcome to todays show of Being a Winchester! You all know this is a special episode because of the prize winner of yesterday's chapter of being the first to comment on this show!!!!!!! *Drumroll* Risenshine!!!!!!!! You have won a chapter with a rare moment in Dean's POV!!!! FYI!!!!!! I do not own Supernatural or Twilight. I only own Aisling and her mom.

At gym I got to sit out because of my ankle brace, so that class went by pretty fast. I did get to see Bella trip and fall almost everytime though, I tried not to laugh, but as life would have it, I did. Several times. All hour long. Loudly. She glared at me as we left the gym. "I'm sorry, but if you lived with my family for as long as I have, then you would understand how I've never seen someone so clumsy!" I said in between giggles. She didn't forgive me until we arrived at our cars. It would seem that I parked next to her this morning. "You never told me about your family Aisling. I've told you about me. I think you should return the favor." She told me smiling. I faltered for a moment, but I smiled anyway.

"Well, I have two brothers that travel a lot, same with my dad. Family business you could call it." I told her softly. She looked at me and must of figured I didn't want to talk about much more so she dropped it. I was glad for it. I never thought of it until now but, I'm still not over Dad's death.

I knew that somehow someway he was going to die that day, yet I did nothing. Now i'm away from my family and forced to stay in some run down town? I shook my head of these thoughts. *Stop this. He wanted you to come and be safe. respect dad's wishes. This is the right thing to do.* I told myself in my head. I said good bye to Bella and got into my car and grabbed the steering wheel. What the heck was dad thinking? I can't be normal, I can't even tell Bella the truth about me. I'll always have to lie my way through life; I'll always be a Winchester.

I drove home and made sure to bring my last duffel bag in with me. I threw into the back of my closet. "That's a life long gone." I murmmered to myself. I walked into my kitchen and tried to focus on making a grilled cheese sandwich and not on the yellowed eyed family. Appearantly they are an adopted family living together and dating among each other. Since none of the couples are blood related it's not incest, and legal. Doesn't mean it's not odd. Their father is Dr, Carisle Cullen, the best doctor in town. Edward, the only single one, was acting weird to Bella a week ago.

She told me that he acted as if she was the plague and left the day after they sat next eachother. I told her it was probably nothing, but I thought otherwise. Now, how do I know half of these things? Well, half from Bella telling me in study hall, the other from me researching them on the internet while eating my grilled cheese. I'm totally not acting like a hunter. (Note the sarcasam in that sentance.)

I slammed the laptop closed and got started on my homework. After an hour of me trying to figure out my Trig homework and not call and ask Sam for help, I heard a knock at my door. I froze and looked at the time. It was 8:00 at night. Who would come at this time? I walked to the door slowly, not trusting whoever out there. I opened the door a crack, "Who's there?" I asked warily.

There wasn't an answer at first, but then I heard a voice. "It's me Alice!" I heard. *What the?* I thought. I opened the door the rest of the way and sure enough there stood Miss Pretty Pixie herself. I rose an eyebrow in suspision. "What do I owe the pleasure?" I asked. She laughed and motioned to the door. "Can I come in? It's kinda cold out here." She asked me in return. I shivered slightly, it was kinda cold, but should I trust her?

Wait, what am I thinking?! Of course I can, there's nothing wrong here in town, and there was something wrong I can't do anything about it....I'm normal now. I stood to the side to let her come in. She smiled and walked in fine. *Doesn't need to be invited in* I made a mental note of that. I guess old habits die hard, really hard. I looked outside before shutting the door. I turned around and watched as Alice looked around the room, pausing at the pictures I had placed on the T.V. She picked up the one of my mom and turned to me.

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