Tea anyone?

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You know, I was wondering something........I forgot. Okay, I think this story will either be finished today, or tomorrow, considering the serious amount of inspiration I'm getting and the fact I want this thing to be over. So, let's get on with this thing shall we!!!!! Disclaimer!!

Jasper: Zorlia does not own Supernatural.

Bobby: She doesn't own Twilight either.

Aisling: She own both me and my mother though.


The little girl giggled and ran over to the tower, and a door appeared. I looked away and sighed. the last time I didn't follow her I almost got eaten by that freak show. I guess I should follow her now. I hiked my skirt up and ran to the door and walked in, not noticing the door disappearing after I entered. There was nothing in the room except a staircase. I sighed and decided to take a chance. I walked up the stairs, getting dizzy since it was in a spiral formation.

After what seemed like forever I reached the top. It was a small playroom. Yes I just said playroom. There toys on the floor and a little tea party set was in the corner, along with a rocking horse by a far window. The little girl was at the table, pouring two cups of what I hope was tea. I walked over to th e table and took a seat, setting the lamp on the table.

"Hi." I said, waving a little bit. The girl smiled but said nothing as she took a seat. I took a breath. "Do you know what this place is?" I asked. The girl giggled.

"The tower silly." She told me, passing a tea cup over top me. I grabbed it and looked in the cup, to see a black liquid. Gross. She took a drink easily, I tried not to retch.

"Okay, Where am I? Where is this tower?" I tried again, setting the cup down. The girl giggled again, and got out of her chair. She walked to the rocking horse and sat on it.

"I don't know." She answered simply. I sighed. This was getting no where. "You haven't had anything to drink." She said. I frowned, and looked at the cup.

"Uh, not thirsty. Besides, how do I know if the Astral Plane has the same rules as the Fae world? You know, eat or drink something here and your stuck. I don't know the rules here." I told her, really only talking to myself but she was listening.

"Hide." She told me, still rocking the rocking horse. I looked at her.

"What?" I asked.

"The rules are to hide. You run and hide from him. When he finds you, he eats you. The game is to run and hide, hide and run. Hmmm" She began to hum, not thinking about what she just said. Great, I;m going to be eaten!!!

"How long have you been playing the game?" I asked. She stopped.

"He's coming." My eyes widened, she looked at me with scared eyes. "Run. Hide. He's coming." With that said she disappeared. There was a banging downstairs, along with some snarls. I freaked out. I walked to the window, but when I got to it, it melted. I'm serious. The window just melted away and nothing was left but a stone wall. I looked around and all the toys were turning to ash. There was a bang downstairs. I looked around, and saw the cup.

 "You haven't had anything to drink." Her voice echoed in my head. She had always said something of importance, so why ask a random question? Footsteps were coming closer.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are!" I swallowed, and walked to the cup, picking it up with a shaking hand.

"There you are!" I turned around to see that thing from earlier. He saw the cup near my lips and snarled, lunging forward. I squeezed my eyes shut and downed the drink. For some reason it was sweet, like honey. I felt the monster go though me. I opened my eyes to see that he had literally gone through my body. As if I was some kind of gas my body swirled ans separated as he crashed into the table, sending the lamp to the ground.

The candle rolled out of the lamp and somehow lit the place on fire, but I didn't feel it. The man stood up and growled at me, and lunged again. I held my arms in front of my face. Prepared for the worst.


"AHHHHHH!" I sat up screaming. Wait, sat up? I looked around to see that I was in a dark room, not the tower, and I had my regular clothes on.

"Aisling!" The door was slammed open and light flooded the room, blinding me. I blinked, and looked at what was my brothers on each side of me. I then noticed that I was in my room, and my brothers weren't trying to kill me. I took some deep breaths, and closed my eyes.

"Aisling, are you okay?" Sam asked me, I felt his hand on my shoulder. I smiled. He and Dean just heard me scream my head off, had attacked me because of a little girl, and he asks that. I opened my eyes.


Sam's face was to the side with a red cheek. Dean stared wide eyed and started to giggle at Sam. I looked at Dean as he covered his mouth.


Dean's now red face was hanging to the side as well. I cleared my throat.

"You will never, ever, take me on a case again. You are to never, ever, take a case with a Succubus. Do you understand?" I asked in a deadly calm voice. Sam looked up at me while holding his red cheek.



Sam now had two red cheeks.

"Aisling what the hell is wrong wi-"


Dean now had two red cheeks.

"Questions?" I asked. They shook their heads no. I smiled. "Good. Now leave!" I shouted. They scrambled out of here like there was a fire. "And shut the damn door!" I screamed when they forgot to. Sam came back to shut it. "Thank you, goodnight." And with that I laid back down and went to sleep.

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