The calm after a storm, or is it before?

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Hey there fans!!!! I've been seeing that this story has been getting great results, and I thank you all for your support and for giving up some of your time to read this story. I hope that you all like it, and please feel free to vote, fan or comment. Now, enough listening to me, read the chapter!! Oh, sorry it's so short, I just wanted to end there, it seemed right. To me...Sorry. *hides behind Dean* Protect me!


The day after my little, 'chat' with the Cullens, was boring. When I was about to park my car I saw Bella climb out of Edward's car, causing a lot of stares. I snickered to myself, thinking about what could of happened to get Edward to spill his secret and give Bella a ride to school. I shook my head and parked in my normal spot. After getting out of my car I saw a crowd around a red convertible with it's top up. I raised an eyebrow when catching Rosalie's eye, knowing that it just had to be hers. Rosalie simply smirked and walked away, to the school. I smiled to myself and shook my head. I headed to my first hour and just as I reached the school someone came up beside me.

"I don't know why out of everyone here Edward chose her." A very annoying voice sneered. I looked to my left to see Lauren flip her hair into my face. I squeezed my eyes closed hoping for Lauren's sake that she wasn't there when I opened my eyes. I peeked my eyes open to see her gazing at me expectantly. I frowned and narrowed my eyes at her.

"If you want to keep your precious hair on that pretty head of yours, I suggest you never insult Bella when around me. In fact, don't do it at all, because when I find out that you did, you'll wish that you didn't spend so much on those highlights." I hissed at her before walking away with my head up high. I could feel Lauren's glare burning holes in my back but I didn't care. When I got to English Bella was at our table and was zoned out. I decided it was from all the attention she was getting from Edward....and finding out what he is. The rest of the day went in a blur, I didn't really pay attention to anything, but when P.E. came up I walked over to Bella.

"Hey, After work I want to talk to you. I get off at 5:30." I told her, before the teacher got a chance to start barking orders at us to play badminton. Hmph, not my best sport but oh well. Mike decided to partner up with Bella before I could snatch her away. No one really liked me because I was the weird tough chick that's scary. So, in the end I got partnered up with......Lauren. Fuck my life.

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