Astral Plane

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Dun dun dahhhhhhh! This is it, the story is coming to a close and we are at the climax! I think.....oh well! Guess what, the cast is still here!!!!! Yay! Okay, last time we left off Aisling was sent to the Astral Plane by her own doing. The million dollar question is....WILL SHE COME BACK ALIVE????? Whooo! *dodges flying objects* Stop throwing thing Aisling! DISCLAIMER!!! OW! Ps: the video on the side is something I found while browsing Youtube, and I thought it was hilarious!

Aisling: Shut up you pansy, I didn't throw that frying pan too hard.

Bella: Zorlia doesn't own either Supernatural or Twilight. She only owns Aisling and her mom. Uh, is it a good thing that Zorlia is bleeding?

*All vampires stare at zorlia*

Zorlia: OMI, I'm going to die!!!!


I opened my eyes slowly, groaning in discomfort. I slowly got up in a sitting position and held my head with my right hand.

"Damn, that hurt." I whispered, blinking while looking around. I was in the study like before, but there wasn't a circle beneath me and the room was misty. It was as if the place was filled with a fog. I rolled my eyes.

"Great, I'm going to be attacked by some pirate ghosts." (AN: I will give you a prize if you can name what movie she's referring to.) I then got a look at what I was wearing. It was a white shirt with no sleeves and a long white skirt. I snorted, thinking of the luck I had. I took a deep breath and stood up, and realized that I had no shoes.

"Okay. changing my clothes and stealing my shoes. It's official, the Astral Plane SUCKS!" I shouted. I grumbled a bit more but moved to the door.

~In the real world~

"What do you mean you can't help us?" Dean growled into the phone, pacing outside Aisling's room. Sam was in there putting her on the bed. The boys had woken up to find her on the floor in the circle with blood pooling out of her mouth. It didn't help that Carisle, the only doctor they could trust, was refusing to help.

"Listen, we have problems here too. Some nomads came by while we were playing baseball. They smelled Bella's scent and now we have some hungry vampires after her. I'm sorry, but we need to distract them and lead them away from town." Carisle's rushed voice came through the phone. Dean held in a shout of rage. He couldn't remember anything after making the circle and summoning the monster.

"Why didn't your fortune teller see what was going to happen?" Dean snarled, wanting to know why his sister was like this.

"We don't know why, but she couldn't see what was going to happen." Carisle explained. Dean growled and hung up the phone as Sam came out of the room.

"She's breathing, but it's faint." He informed Dean. They didn't know what to do, so they did the one thing they knew to do. They went to find out what happened. The brothers walked into the study and went to different places. Sam to the book, Dean to the circle.

"I know that we used salt, so why is it red?" He asked, scooping some of the tainted salt up in his hands. Sam frowned and looked at the spell they were using.

"I don't know. Aisling wasn't in the circle before we blacked out either. This spell banishes a spirit to the Astral Plane. You don't think that..." Sam trailed off, looking Dean in the eyes.

"She was sent there?" Dean finished.

~The Astral Plane~

"Hellooo!" I called out, looking around. I was outside now, in fog. It was like the entire world was covered in an endless fog. I walked to Bella's house, and tried to open the door, but it was locked. So I walked back to my house, deciding it would be best to stay there. As I was walking there I saw some people, but they were.....sick? They looked like that, moving slow, and having that look about them. For some reason they freaked me out so I ran back home, locking the door behind me. I took a deep breath and went to go upstairs, When I saw something in my living room.

It was a little girl. Now after the whole Lucy incident, I decided to stay away, which made the girl giggle. She turned around and walked to the wall, where a door appeared. I gasped, shocked. The girl glanced back and giggled.

"He's looking for you." She told me, her voice echoing. I frowned. "You should hide, or He'll find you." She giggled again and walked through the door. I shook my head, what was that about? That was when I heard the floorboards above me creak.

"Come out, come out wherever you are!" A scratchy, menacing, male voice sung. It sent shivers through my body. I looked at the door, seeing it close on it's own, and turned at the sound of something at the top of the stairs. It was a man. A man with ash grey skin and huge pointy ears sticking out of the side of his head, sufficing for horns in a way. He smiled, showing a mouth full of nothing but fangs, and stuck out the longest tongue that I have ever seen. He sniffed the air like some animal and grinned wider.

"You smell delicious." He breathed, and rushed downstairs. Now, I'm smart enough to run away from Freddy's scary cousin. I ran though the closing doorway and kept running, not looking back for my life. When I did stop I was in a circular room filled with doors. I frowned, not knowing which way to go, and heard a snarl some ways behind me. I panicked and chose the closest door.

I leaned my body against the now closed door. I took some deep breaths and turned around, to see a dirt road and more fog. I decided that to keep moving would be the best idea, so I jogged down the road. After some time I started to walk again and saw a table on the side of the road.

The table was by itself, and had a lamp on its top. The lamp was small, and consisted of a small glass chamber with a lit candle inside. I shrugged and picked it up, continuing on the road of hopelessness. Okay, maybe I was being a little over depressive about this, but why don't you try to be in my place.

I was walking for God knows how long when I saw a tower to the right of the road, and a dead tree to the left. I lifted the lantern higher to see the tower better, and what do you know that little girl from earlier was there.

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