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It's the night before Draco and I go to Hogwarts. He is the year above me so he is now in his second year. I have never been to the great wizarding school and I will probably get lost but the thing I'm most nervous about is the stares....
"So Draco you have all your things ready?" My father asks my brother as we are sitting at our long black dinner table.
"Yes father"
"And you Jewel?" My father says looking at me
"Of course father" I say meekly
"Jewel you must learn to speak up no one can hear you"
"Yes father"
Our family meals were always like this long, awkward and quiet but no one dared say anything because in our house you do not speak unless spoken to. It's awful but no one wants to feel my father's wrath.
As soon as I was dismissed from the table I ran back to my room to find Panther. Panther is my adorable black cat and quite frankly my best friend. He is loyal, caring and like me quite shy. I found him hiding under my bed playing with my balls of wool that I used for my enchanted knitting.
"Come here boy" I said patting the silk pillow on my four poster bed. Panther jumped up and started purring.
"We don't want to go to Hogwarts do we?" I said staring down at his big green eyes. I sat up talking to Panther most of the night but when I fell asleep I was woken by my parents shouting and arguing. They argue a lot now a days but I don't what about.
I woke up the next morning with a pit in my stomach. Today was the day I go to Hogwarts

The Ginger MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now