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I wake up the next day and realise that it was the first day back in classes from the Christmas break. It took everything in me to not roll over and just go back to sleep.

"Pssst Jewel" Avery pokes me "I'm going up to the hall. I've to meet your brother there"

"Okay. I'm just getting up anyway. What time is it?" I say rubbing my eyes.

"Umm it's 7:30. Plenty of time to get ready." She chuckles. "Byeee"

"Bye" I groan.

I get up out of bed and begin getting ready. I wash my face,brush my teeth ,and put on my robes. I brush my hair and go out the door.

At Hogwarts things die down very quickly. If you do something outrageous one day the chances are someone else will do something worse the next so I walk through the corridors feeling no more threatened than usual. I walk in to the great hall and walk straight over to the Slytherin table not looking up to see if anyone is staring at me. I don't say a word to anyone. I just sit down and have a bowl of cereal. Blaise looks over at me and raises his eyebrows. I nod letting him know we're in agreement: I won't talk to Neville again.

I leave the great hall having not said a word to anyone yet. I make my way along the corridor when Neville runs up to me.

"Jewel are you okay?"

"Am I okay? What about you?"

"I'm fine I got out of the infirmary early this morning" a crowd began to form around us. "What about Blaise are you stil-"

"What do you mean are we still? Of course we are. Why wouldn't we be?"

"Jewel he hurts you" I quickly decide what I need to do.

"No Neville you hurt me." Tears begin to well up in my eyes

"But Jewel"

"You're creepy" my voice breaks "and I hate you. Just leave me alone" I hear an audible gasp from the audience we had gathered.

I run. I run as fast as I can. I turn a corner and I just fall. I breakdown in tears. I scream. I start hitting the concrete floor with my fists before Draco runs around the corner. He just scoops me up in his arms and we sit together as he gently strokes my hair trying to calm me down. He lifts up my hands that now have blood running down them.

"You've managed to get yourself in to a right state haven't you" he tries to lighten the mood and I force out a small laugh to satisfy him.

"Honestly I should just get going and so should you but I'll see you later yeah?" I say needing to get away from him.

"You sure?"


"What class are you at? I'll walk you"

"Oh no don't be silly I can do it myself. I'm a big girl Draco" we laugh for a second "oh and can we not tell mum and dad about this?"

He "zips" his lips and we walk along the corridor a bit before we go our separate ways. I start walking as if I'm going to herbology but turn around as soon as Draco turns a corner I run in the opposite direction not knowing where to go.

I find myself in the owlery captivated by all of the gorgeous owls. I wished I was an owl. I wished I could fly away and go wherever I please. I wouldn't have an aggressive and impulsive boyfriend trying to protect me from things I don't need protection from. I wouldn't have the pressure of a perfect family looming over me like a dark cloud all the time.

As I watch all the owls fly in and out of the draughty room I think about when Blaise and I began to get close. That damned Christmas party.


I flattened out all of the creases in my dress as my parents and I waited at the door for all of the people they had invited. This would be the first year I would be expected to stay downstairs and mingle all night. This would also be the first year without Draco. I was so nervous to talk to everyone. Once the party began I made my way around all smiles and curtsies. I made small talk with old men, people from the Daily Prophet and most notably Rita Skeeter.

"Ah Jewel there you are" my mother breezed over to me. "Blaise Zabini and his mother has just arrived would you greet them for me?"

"Of course"

At this point I had never really spoken to Blaise as anything other than my brother's friend and didn't ever realise that I would see him as anything other than that.

"Hello there Ms Zabini. Blaise." I nodded my head slightly. "Please come in"

Blaise's mum walked straight in to the party and starting socialising no doubt looking for a new husband. Blaise just stood in front of me as is he was waiting for something.

"Well Malfoy?"


"Aren't you going to show me a good time?"his grin widened.

I stay in the owlery for a few hours just watching the majestic creatures fly in and out of Hogwarts. I hear fast footsteps coming towards me so I freeze.

"Miss Malfoy" Professor McGonagall says through her pinched lips.

I see Peeves behind her laughing. I shoot him a glare.

"That will be 15 points from Slytherin for skipping a class"

"But my fathe" I say fearing retribution from my parents

"Another 10 for disobedience"

I sigh indicating to her that I give up.

"Now there is only 5 minutes left of the last class of the day. What class should you be at?"

"I should be at Charms Professor McGonagall"

"Well no point going now but you can make up for all the class work you have missed through detention with me every night at 6:30 sharp until you have caught up again"

"Yes Professor"

"Now go and I'll see you tonight at 6:30"

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