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TW: there is emotional/physical abuse in this chapter. Please don't read if that may affect you.

"Oh look there they are" Avery points at Blaise and I and starts to walk over. We've been sitting in The Three Broomsticks for a few hours waiting on them.

"How long have you been here?" Draco says sitting down.

"An hour or so" Blaise answers him.

We order 3 butterbeers and I just get a gillywater.

"So where have you been all day?" I ask Avery while the boys talk about quidditch.

"We went to Madame Puddifoots, then Honeydukes and then Draco wanted to go to Spintwitches to look at new quidditch gear. What about you?"

"We never really went anywhere special. We went around a few shops just for something to do and then we came here"

"Well I'd better be going" Draco says while getting up.

"Bit early Malfoy" Blaise says chuckling

"I haven't had a proper sleep in weeks. I'm exhausted"

"Wonder why you haven't been sleeping" Blaise looks between my brother and Avery. I hit him playfully understanding what he his suggesting.

"Watch it Zabini" Avery glares at him

"I think I'm going to go back up to the castle too" I stand up

"Do you want me to come up with you?" Avery and Blaise day at the exact same time

"No I think I'll be okay thanks. You two finish your butterbeers. I'll see you both later" I chuckle at how adorable my best friend and my boyfriend are.

Draco and I walk out in to the cold village street. As we start to make our way back to the castle it's silent.

"So is Blaise treating you right?" Draco says half joking but mostly serious.

"Look at you playing the protective big brother" I try to joke back to hide the lump I my throat.

"Always." We laugh and then it's silent again "but really Jewel he hasn't hurt you or- "

"No why would he?"

"He's Zabini and he doesn't have the best track record with treating girls right"

"All those other girls weren't Malfoys. I can handle myself"

"Jewel, you're about as scary as a kitten"

"Thanks" I say sarcastically "but really I'm fine. You know I would say something if I wasn't"

"No you wouldn't. You would keep it inside until it had eaten away at you so much you just breakdown"

"True. But I am truly fine" I justify

"Okay little sister" He tousles my hair.

We laugh and before I know it we are in the common room. Draco and I say goodnight before parting ways and going to our dorms. I get in a comfy pair of pyjamas and start to wash my face. I jump in to bed and just lay there. In case you were wondering Pansy's sister moved dorms. Well not officially but she's always in her friend's room so we barely ever see her.My head is buzzing with thoughts about everything but mostly about Blaise. I fall asleep and I wake up briefly when I hear Avery return but I just go straight back to sleep.

I wake up at eight and immediately start to get ready. For the past few weeks I've been tutoring Neville Longbottom. Yes he is the year above me but there are some subjects he hasn't been.... picking up as fast as others and I do over- average work so I agreed to help him. We arranged to meet in the library at ten so that gives me time to grab breakfast.

When I get to breakfast I don't see any of my friends even though Avery wasn't in our room. I sit down and have a piece of toast and boiled egg before heading off to get Neville. As I walk through the halls I keep an eye out for Blaise as he doesn't know that I'm tutoring Neville and I would like to keep it that way.

I walk in to the library and I see Neville sitting at a table at the back. Over my years here I haven't made many friends or any friends really except Neville. He's so kind to me even though my brother has something against him and he's so sweet. He looks up at me and smiles as I walk over to where he is. I sit down and get all my stuff out and we begin. We study for about 45 minutes before Blaise comes in with an angry frown across his face.

"Just what do you think you are doing!?" He whispers angrily.

"I- I'm tutoring N-Neville" I can barely get the words out.

"Not anymore, get up" I stay put "I said get up!" He pulls me up by my wrist.

"Let go of her" Neville stands up to grab me.

"I'm fine Neville" I say trying to smile.

"There you heard her blood traitor" He glares at Neville "Come on. Let's go" He drags me away.

"I was just helping him"

"How long have you been "helping him" for?" I don't answer "Hm? A week? A few weeks? A few months?"

"I've tutored him a few times"

"A few times? Were you going to tell me?"

"I didn't know I had to"

"You mean you didn't tell me you were with another boy who is clearly obsessed with you"

"He is not" I say defiantly.

"Oh or is it you that's obsessed with him?" He gets in my face "You are worthless. You know that? I could have anyone I want but here I am with you"

"Please Blaise you're scaring me" I say holding back tears.

"I'm scaring you? I'm scaring you!?" He gets louder. "Listen -"

"No stop! Plea-" I am interrupted by a slap.

"Don't ever interrupt me again"

And with that he walks away. I am left alone, scared and crying in an empty hall. I just sit for hours wondering no hoping that Draco doesn't do this to Avery.

I eventually gather myself and go along to the great hall for dinner. As I walk in people stare at me with pity. I can't think why they would be pitying me until I see Neville's face.

He told.

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