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I go over to the table and sit right next to Blaise to try and put any rumour at rest. Even though it makes me feel sick in doing so I cuddle him and wrap my arms around him so that everyone can see how much we love each other and we would never hurt one another.

"Jewel I am so sorry for what happened earlier" he turns to face me.

"Don't even mention it. It's over. I know you would never hurt me"

"No it's not okay I should not have done that. It's just I'm so tired and O.W.L.s are next year so I'm stressed but you can see Longbottom. I don't care"

"Oh thank you but I'm fine with you." I say still nuzzled in his shoulder.

"Ewwww get a room" Avery puts on a high pitched American accent.

"Exactly Zabini. That's my little sister there" Draco joins in.

"Whatever I'm going to go anyway." I say getting up

"You just got here. You need to eat something" Blaise says holding my hand.

"I'm not that hungry honestly"

"I agree with Blaise. You should eat something." Draco chimes in

"I'm not hungry. I had a big breakfast" I lie to get them to leave me alone.

I leave the room ignoring all the Gryffindor stares. I just get in to my room and put my bag down before Avery bursts in.

"You.....need....to ...... see this" She says breathlessly


"Just..... come on" she leads me out of the dorm to just outside the Slytherin common room.

When we walk out I see a big crowd. I can barely see what is going on. Avery leads me through and I see Blaise punching Neville. I run in to the middle. Neville is on the ground out cold.

"STOP!!! STOP IT" I scream. I go down on to my knees and clutch Neville's body. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Blaise just shakes his head and walks away. Most of the crowd goes with him. I check to see that Neville is definitely breathing and try to get him up to the infirmary. I can't lift him so I just sit with tears streaming down my face. Is this what is going to happen when someone tries to save me from my own boyfriend? How many more people will need to be hurt for me to be safe? Our of the corner of my eye I see Ginny Weasley and the golden trio run up.

"What happened?!" Ginny pushes me off of him

"Was this your brothers doing?" Ron comes up behind Ginny

"We need to get him to the infirmary" Hermione checks him over

As Ron and Harry lift him up I follow them.

"I don't think you should come" Ginny shakes her head at me.

"Well I am" I say still following them

"This is your fault. He got involved with your boyfriend drama and now look at him. Don't go near him again" I had never seen Ginny be unpleasant to anyone before so I just stop and let them walk away.

I walk back to the Common room and as soon as I walk in a million questions hit me.

"Did Longbottom lie?"
"Are you okay?"
"Were you cheating on Blaise?"
"What just happened?"

"Give her space!" Draco shouts as he guides me through the mob. He sits me down on an empty chair in a more secluded part of the common room. " What was that?"

"You tell me" my voice breaks.

Draco just hugs me like he did when we were children and I got scared when father shouted. Sometimes I don't understand how I am one of the only people who gets to see this side of him.

"Have you seen Blaise?" I ask trembling

"Yeah he's up in the dorm. Too many questions were thrown at him. It's really fucked up what Neville did" I bolt upright

"What Neville did?"

"Yeah. I mean he tried to turn everyone against Blaise just because he was obsessed with you. Blaise said he's been having to deal with him for weeks but today he started getting aggressive towards him and you. Are you okay?I swear when I found out I wanted to-"

"I'm fine" I cut in. "I think I'm just going to go to bed"

"Yeah good idea. Avery's already up there"

I trudge up to my room and before I'm even in the door Avery has me locked in a hug.

"I'm so sorry" She sniffles in to my shoulder

"What for exactly?"

"I didn't notice that you were being stalked and pestered"

"Aw Ave it's fine. I'm fine"

"It's not. It's really not" we break the hug and she jumps "oooo I know what you need. A good hot chocolate"

"Avery I'm fine but if we're trying to cheer me up could you please go up to the common room and get my book from Draco. I lent it to him hoping he would read it but obviously he never did"

"I'm on it. Get in your pjs. Get cosy and I will be back in a flash" She practically ran out the door.

I got in to my favourite pyjamas (they're my green fluffy ones I had gotten for Christmas) and got in to bed. Avery burst in yet again, flung my book on my bed and started to say something.

"Blaise wants to see you and make sure you're okay" she says and then takes a deep breath like she was holding it.

"Um okay I'll be there in a minute"

I throw on my slippers and make my way to the common room. There isn't quite as many people as there was when I came in but I wasn't complaining. Blaise was sitting in the place Draco and I sat earlier. I walked over.

"What were you playing at out there?" I ask looking around making sure no one can hear.

"What was I playing at. What were you playing at. Rushing to his side. It sickens me."

"He could've died Blaise" I can't even look at him

"I wouldn't be that lucky. You can't see him again"

"What? You said I could"

"That was before he was spreading around that I "abuse" you"

"He was looking out for me"

"You don't need looking out for"

"Don't I?"

"Don't" he says warningly

"You told everyone he stalked me."

"He did!"

"He just wanted to learn!"

"Don't shout at me!"

"I'm sorry" I mumble

"You need to tell everyone that I'm telling the truth"

"I can't"

"You can and you will or we" he gestures to the space between us "are finished" and with that he walks away.

I wait for a few minutes before I go out in to the main area. Avery is sitting on a couch next to Draco. I begin to regret not listening to my big brother when he warned me about Blaise the first time.

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