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I woke up just as the sun was rising. I put on my robes and got ready for the day ahead. It was only 6:30 and breakfast didn't start for another half hour so I just took a book up to the common room. I wasn't expecting anyone to be there except maybe some passed out older students who had too much fire whiskey from the night before. But when I went down I saw Draco by the fire. He turned round

"Jewel why are you up so early?"

"Nerves. You?"

"Couldn't sleep" I went over to him and sat on the couch next to him.

"I want to go home, I want to see mum and I want Panther" I said holding back tears

"I know but it won't be so bad once you're used to it here and you can see everyone at Christmas including Panther"

"Everyone thinks I'm mean and a bully because they don't like you"

"Well if they took the chance to know you they would realise you're nothing like me" he said laughing "Now come on breakfast is starting soon and I would rather sit down there than in here" he said standing up

We went down to breakfast and I couldn't eat anything. Draco kept trying to put food on my plate but I kept pushing it away.

"Come on. You have to eat something" Draco whined "I promised Mother and Father that I would look after you"

I looked up at him and grabbed a piece of toast. "Happy?"

"Very. Now remember if anyone is mean to you tell me. Especially if it is Potter, mud blood or Weasel"

"Stop calling them mean names."

"Fine I promise I won't be mean to them in front of you better?" I didn't reply I just shook my head. As the Great hall got more packed my anxiety got worse. I had to rush out but I crashed in to Harry Potter. I fell against the hard concrete floor. Harry just muttered "sorry" but then another boy came along and helped me up.

"Are you alright?" The awkward boy with big teeth asked me. Before I could answer Draco was answering for me

"She's fine Longbottom. Tell Potter to watch where he is going" All I could do was give the boy a sympathetic smile. "Are you okay?" Draco asked but I didn't answer "JEWEL!"

"I'm fine Draco really" I muttered and started hurrying to my potions class.

When I got to potions I realised Slytherins and Gryffindors had this class together. I sat up the back hoping no one would sit near me but by the time Ginny Weasley got to Potions all the other seats were taken. I hung back after the class to give Snape a letter for my Father. Ginny must have saw because later at dinner everyone was saying that I was giving Snape "death eater" letters.

"Jewel what did you give Snape?" Draco came up and sat with me.

"A letter for Mother and Father"

"Why couldn't you use the owlery?"

"I didn't want to."

"Well now everyone thinks that we are both death eaters and that we are on some sort of mission"


"It's fine just if you want something done tell me. I could have taken that letter for you" I smiled at him and went back to my dorm.

Both of my roommates usually didn't come back until late. They sat in the common room, the great hall,anywhere but here really. Not that I'm complaining.

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