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We arrived at Kings Cross and as we passed through on to platform 9 and 3/4 I could hear everyone whispering and staring at us.

"Is that the kidnapped one?"

"She's the kidnapped Weasley"

"It is suspicious that she has that bright red hair"

"When you are at school stay away from them. Both of them"

Parents were pulling their children away from us, telling them to stay away from us and someone even shouted at father telling him to "give" me back.

My parents didn't stay long just gave us a kiss on the cheek and said goodbye. Draco and I were just standing on the platform with everyone looking at us. We got on the Hogwarts express and Draco saw his friends so he left me to be with them. I went up and down the train looking for an empty compartment I couldn't find one but i found a compartment with only one girl in it and she seemed nice enough so i just sort of sat down in the opposite corner from her. I got out my book "The Tales Of Beedle The Bard" and she started talking

"That's a really good book my mum used to read it to me before bed"

I just sort of nodded at her and gave her a half smile.

"I'm Ginny by the way. Ginny Weasley" At that my eyes widened and i'm pretty sure it looked like they were going to op out of my head. "Are you okay?" I just nodded vigorously "What's your name then?"

"Umm Jewel" I said as quietly as i could hoping she wouldn't hear me

"Jewel that's very pretty. Where have i heard that before?" She just sat thinking for a minute until her eyes widened and I knew she knew "Wait Jewel as in Malfoy?" I didn't even look up I pretended I hadn't heard her. Neither of us spoke until Draco burst in to the compartment.

"Jewel I've been looking everywhere for you. Come on we're nearly at Hogwarts." he obviously hadn't seen Ginny sitting there so when he looked behind him all he said was "Ah baby Weasley haven't seen your brother and your boyfriend lately" Ginny's face just turned red and I slapped Draco on the arm. I pulled him away.

"Why are you so rude?"

"Come on she's a Weasley and her brother and Potter aren't exactly kind to me"

"But she didn't do anything to you. This is why people think you're a bully"

"Oh come on baby sister" he pulled my arm "Anyway she'll grow to hate me one way or another"

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