Chapter 1

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WARNING: This chapter contains Suicide.

Love is complicated. It is the sweetest accident, but will leave you the most painful scar in return. It brings you the most beautiful flowers but then it'll build your coffin.

The melancholic light of the moon was shining down upon my windowsill. The chilly night air passed through my open window, making me shiver in my chair. I scrolled down my Facebook wall even though I was nowhere near to be  interested in any of my friends' affairs. I chugged at my mug of black coffee, leaving it half empty. 

The luxury of procrastination. A small smirk formed on my lips as if I'd won an award. 

My evening was perfect, until my phone rang. It woke every cell of my sleepless state, making me furrow my eyebrows in annoyance. Who would want to contact me at this hour of the night? Irritation ran through me while reaching for the blaring phone. I was about to reject the call until I saw the name of the person contacting me. My heart skipped in delight. I promptly answered. 

Don't be a dork now! Stay composed!

I gulped for air, fingers crossed as I answered the call. 

"Hello Stan," I said, trying to keep my voice professional. He always liked my immature side, so I played mature for once.

"Hi. Let me guess, you're procrastinating?" He chuckled daintily, and I knew his eyes twinkled with mischief. "The only thing that you will finish is the food in the fridge if you keep on with your procrastinating," he added, stressing at the last word.

He was always known as a serious man, but he kept teasing me.

I knew that I really loved him. Even small chats were enough to completely change my mood. He was my savior and always rescued me during my dark days. We were talking about nonsensical things when I felt a little strum in my heart.

What was that?

"Hey listen," Stan suddenly said. "I have to talk to you about something." 

The chilly night air caught my breath. His voice was laced with nervousness, making my stomach tie itself into knots.   

"Is something wrong?" I whispered cautiously.

"It's about us," he said straightaway. It was only three words but it already felt like the beginning of an end.

My heart thumped like crazy inside my chest as if it was begging to be let out. I inhaled a great amount of air. 

"I got it. We'll meet at the usual place right?" I replied, trying to relieve the tension.

"Yeah...I'll wait for you." Then he hung up. 

I looked for my keys on my desk and put on a brown coat on my way outside. As I was driving, I started to reminisce about all of the moments that we shared. 

Stan had been my boyfriend for five years. We conquered many struggles, just like how we overcame his parents' disapproval of our relationship. 

They never liked me nor our relationship, because Stan was the heir of their business. His parents were the type of people who take tradition seriously, so having grandchildren are a must. Something that they believed I could never give them. 

We could always adopt, but no. His homophobic parents just used that as an excuse. He never liked the pressure, so we decided that as soon as we finished our degree together, we would run away. And so we did. 

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