Chapter 6

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As I was taken by this magical transparent bubble into somewhere. I noticed how fast and how high I was travelling. I'm above the clouds flying faster than a jet, probably. I still can't believe that everything that happened earlier, did really happen. I can't believe that I'm inside a bubble made of air and is being carried to who knows what place. One thing is for sure, that the guy I was with was really a star. 


After minutes of flying, the bubble finally landed. It was in some deserted island. The sand was white and coconut trees were spread. The sun was setting when we landed and the horizon gave up a beautiful shade of orange. It was just beautiful. I just watched the sun setting, my feet upon the edge of the island. I could feel the waters wetting the soles of my feet and sand getting in between my toes. 

It was sunsets that taught me that beauty only last for a short moment of time. 

I tried to forget everything. Forget that the one I loved with all of my being broke up with me just because he was bored. Forget that I actually saw an actual star in human body and a burning pyromancer. Just forget and let the tides carry away all my problems.

The sunset was brief but beautiful. Its fall made way for more beautiful things, the stars and the moon. The moment it turned dark, the sky just magically lit up as thousands of stars, just like grains of sand sparkled in harmony with the moon. It was breathtaking. 

I lied down in the sand and just watched the stars. I suddenly remembered my grandpa and Stan. When my grandpa died, Stan was the next person that came to stargaze with me. Remembering him all of a sudden broke my heart into two once more that made me cry. Tears started to drip, one after another when suddenly I heard a faint voice coming from deep within the island. It was calling for me, and it was gentle and sweet.

Oddly enough, the voice sounded so familiar even though this was the first time I heard it. I got up and followed the voice, just like a moth attracted to a flame. I walked past the grassy area of the island along with trees that looked like centuries old. 

After minutes of walking, I saw a hill and on top of it, something, something that was glowing. I climbed up the hill to satisfy my curiosity. The hill wasn't that high so it's not that difficult to climb it. In a distance, I can see a fountain covered with trees, plants and flowers, the one emitting the bright light was the fountain. I was enchanted. I can hear the voice, and it's coming from the fountain.

"Come here, star child,"  the voice stated.

The voice was so calm and soft that it made me do what it asked me. I could hear my steps as it touched the grass of the green fields. I could feel my feet as it made contact to the moist grass sending a crispy sound. 

"That's right. You have nothing to fear," the voice reassured.

As I approached closer, I can feel the wind swishing like it's whispering something to me.

"I am longing for you my child, my star," it said when I finally reached the fountain.

"Who are you?" I asked as I stare deep into the waters of the fountain. 

It was clear and deep. It was the clearest water I have ever seen. In the middle of the fountain, there lies a sculpture of a beautiful woman wearing a long dress. It holds a tablet with symbols embedded in it. Symbols that are not comprehensible.

"I am the moon, my child," the fountain replied.

Her child? 

"What do you mean?" I asked. 

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