Chapter 11

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The ocean started to rose high up in the air revealing a behemoth form of water. After a few moments, the water started to take its final form. Bewilderment filled our features when a serpentine dragon high as the mountains appeared. The dragon was more like of a serpent except it has two large horns and wings. 

Its body shone as the full moon reflected upon it. On top of its head, there sat Leviathan in a meditating position. His white, short hair majestically ruffled through the breeze and his deep, blue eyes were so sharp that it poked holes on our body.

Seriously, what's with demons and dragons?

"Ha! No one here is afraid to get wet Levi!" Luna exclaimed, mocking Leviathan.

Leviathan grew a wide smirk filled with malice. He lifted one of his arms to his side and the water dragon blew daggers made up of water from its mouth that sliced in the air releasing an alarming, high-pitched sound. 

The daggers were directed to Luna and she went running into my back shielding herself. I lifted my sword up and deflected the daggers, vaporizing the water into thin air.

"I'm not afraid to get wet, but I am afraid to get stabbed! Levi that wasn't funny!" Luna shouted from my back. "You could have just sent a humongous tsunami to swallow us, that will save us all the pain and blood," she added.

I glanced over to Luna and gave her a puzzled look. She just shrugged and mouthed, "what?"

"I thought you'll protect Louise?" I asked, concern painted all over my features.

"I will, I was just joking, duh. This story needs comic relief after all," she added, weirded by my reaction.


"Oh, I won't want to damage the island," Leviathan broke our conversation. "I'm here for two reasons after all, for that star and for the fountain." Leviathan lifted two of his arms and the dragon opened its mouth and blew more daggers.

Luna leaped backwards gracefully, her battle armor shining through the night and started firing silver arrows to the daggers with great speed and aim, eliminating them before it made contact.

"Levi, you can have the whole ocean but not my waters," Luna declared, eyes filled with conviction.

"And for the record, Altair won't be coming with you for he belongs to someone else already," Luna said, pointing a wink in my direction.

I gave an agreeing smirk in reply.

"Watch me from space as I do just that, Luny," Leviathan teased.

Luna released a dramatic gasp. "How dare you, I'm the only one allowed to drop nicknames!" Luna claimed. I gripped the handle of my sword tightly, readying myself to dash forward.

"Luna, cover me!" I exclaimed, as I dashed forward to Leviathan.

The water dragon continued releasing water daggers from its mouth. The numbers increased in every second surrounding the air with high-pitched shrieks. The sound reminded me of that device that humans use for flying. Was it an airplane?

"With pleasure," she replied, firing silver arrows to the daggers.

The daggers dispersed in midair, forming beads of water that glimmered in the moonlit night. I intensified my hold to the handle of my sword feeling the warmth of the flames in my hand as I near Leviathan. I lifted my sword high up in the air, ready to deliver the devastating blow.

With swift movements, Leviathan stood up from where he was sitting, and began to do swift and majestic actions which can be compared to the movement of the waves. He lifted two of his arms up in the air and swayed slowly to the left pointing to my direction as his hand slowly descend. He raised one of his legs up in the air with ease, displaying the demon's flexibility. His movements were as smooth as silk and a few moments after, a great amount of water splashed onto me, making me fall back to the sandy ground.

I groaned as the water completely drenched me. The sand sticking on my skin and my wet hair falling to my face. I brushed my hair out of my face and transferred my gaze back to the demon only to see more daggers directed towards me but this time, the moment the daggers were in the air, the demon blew cold wind, frosting the daggers and turning them into ice instantly. Leviathan being the prince of the waters in hell, he can bend the water in his will and can change their forms in any way that he like. He can turn them into ice, snow, boiling water or vapor that he masterfully displayed during the Great Holy War.

I quickly got up and raised my sword. I deflected some of the frozen daggers in time but failed in destroying all of them because they seem to be faster. I was about to get impaled by thousands of frozen daggers when a barrier appeared in front of me.

"Are you alright?" Luna asked, rushing towards me still activating the barrier.

"No shit Sherlock," I replied furrowing my brows directed to the demon.

"Whoa, you do learn fast," she smirked in reply.

"Luny, my dear. Give it up. I have the whole ocean by my side, you stand no chance," Leviathan butted in, interrupting our little moment.

"Ha! It's a full moon tonight, I have unlimited magical reserve. I can do this all night," Luna replied, banging her chest releasing a thudding sound.

That explains why she can cast spells continuously.

"But darling, we don't have all night." Leviathan's smirk grew wider, displaying his perfectly white teeth.

He's right. We have very limited time to settle this duel and he has the whole ocean by his side.

Luna stomped on the sandy ground and replied, "don't 'darling' me, I only have one darling and that is the Sun."

Luna dispelled the shield and grabbed an arrow by her back. Her conviction doubled and his silvery eyes sharpening. The light of the moon intensified making her armor and weapon shine majestically in the night.

"Don't worry, I can settle this before he wakes up," she added confidently.

"Let's see you try," Leviathan smirked, leaping out of the water dragon and into the beach.

* * * * * 

Oya oya oya! This is probably the shortest chapter here. Sorry for that, I'm really struggling writing the water bending scenes. Please do give me more time to do more research and practice in writing scenes. I really suck when it comes to writing action and magic scenes. (I don't know why did I chose to write a Fantasy book in the first place lol.) 

Anyways, please do tell me what you think of this chapter. Especially on the water bending actions. I really don't know what to do about it lol. 

Have you guys noticed the bad air between Levi and Luny? What do you think is behind that? A past or something? Hmm. 

[Video above is a sample of water bending, courtesy of the Avatar franchise. I know, so original.]

[That's what I am trying to achieve to write by the way. The majestic movements and completely displaying the capabilities of my favorite element, the water.]

Love, Jun. 


My Boyfriend is a Heavenly Body | OngoingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora