Chapter 4

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Uncertainty and doubt filled my mind as I debated whether if I shall unleash my celestial powers or not. In my current form, I'm unsure if I can defeat this enemy before me without raising a sword. I let go a sigh as I steeled my conviction.

"I have no other choice. It's do or die," I thought to myself, completely indulging myself with my surroundings.

The smoke fogged most of my vision and as I took in the overwhelming smell of burning wood that was filling the room, all that I heard was my opponent meters away from me boasting a lot.

"I have waited a thousand years for you, my star," the Pyromancer mocked. "You should just surrender yourself because you stand no chance against my fiery blaze." 

According to the scriptures that humans call "The Holy Bible", the Creator was responsible for everything visible like the Moon, the Stars, and the Mountains, literally everything. However, there were creatures whose existences were not recorded within that book and this Pyromancer was one of them. Being a creation older than any living creature on any planet, I saw how these vile creatures rose from the ashes and took form. Angels call them unpure and were creatures that needed to be cleansed. They hid their existence from humans that's why humanity view them as topics of fantasy, creatures crafted by the playful minds of writers and scholars. 

Pyromancers have absolute control on the element fire and feeds, or rather steals from the energy of the sun, of the stars. They were barbaric creatures seeking to burn everything into ash. His reasons for attacking me were plain obvious, he wants my heart for power. 

"You should not boast before the actual battle starts, fire creature," I warned. 

I cleared my mind and imagined a weapon, a weapon forged from divine flames that was used in the Holy War in heaven that I held audience at. This sword has sliced through many rebelling angels fighting at Michael's side claiming the victory. My sword became my partner when I'm in danger.

Entering the celestial gate, everything I knew grew into uncertainty. I knew my divinity was taken away the moment I stepped towards the Human World, but my powers was something embedded into my being ever since I was created. It was a gift bestowed solely to us celestial beings by the Creator. I could feel their power in my veins, but I was uncertain if I could make it work here.

"Don't fail me now," I thought to myself  as a drop of sweat fell from my forehead.

The air crisped as the weapon started to take form in my hand, and in seconds a mighty sword made from divine flames came. It was gold in color and was covered with blazing orange fire. I swung the sword to the direction of the Pyromancer spraying divine flames sending hisses in the air in the process. 

"Before we start our battle, It would be normal to know the name of which I have to eliminate," I boasted.

"Oh, you'll remember my name as I poke holes to your body," he replied spewing a wide, mischievous grin.

I smirked, admiring the courage and the confidence that the fire creature possessed. "My name's Altair. I am the leader of the Alpha Aquilae that turned the tides of battle around during the Holy War. I, who single-handedly defeated Adrammelech and Anammelech will cleanse you out of this world! Prepare to meet your end!" I swung my sword towards him.

"Let's see you try!" He readied himself. 

The sparkling flame of my weapon was reflecting in the inky black eyes of my opponent when I swung it. For a moment he smirked, full of confidence. His armor of gold sparks in harmony of my weapon. 

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