Chapter 12

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My eyes bulged out of my head as the water dragon slowly became real right in front of my eyes. Its transformation was so vivid due to the clear waters. The forming of the creature's skeletal system along with the formation of flesh, muscles and blood filled me with overwhelming dread instead of amazement.

I just stood there and watched as the lifeless water dragon became real. My sweating intensified along with my deep breathing. The hair on my arms tingled as if sensing the alarming situation.

My gaze wondered back to Louise. I sighed out of relief when I saw him inside the barrier safe and sound. He shouted something with eyes full of spirit and hands clenched tight that I couldn't hear because of the distance. I noticed that the barrier moved further away.

I wasn't able to hear his words but I'm pretty sure that he was cheering for us. A small smile formed in my lips and my determination doubled as the thought of Louise cheering me on ran in my head.

"I shall claim victory for you," I muttered aloud as I lifted my flaming sword high in the air shining gloriously in the moonlit night.

The air around us intensified as the water dragon released a terrorizing roar while a small amount of sticky saliva went out of its mouth. Its deep blue scales writhed one after another as the moon shone down upon it. The water dragon slithered side to side yet the ocean remained calm as if the water was a part of its body.

"Luny, and you were saying what again?" Leviathan's smirk grew wider as his blue eyes sparkled and his chin pridefully went up.

A silver arrow sliced the air that made its way to Leviathan with great speed and precision. Leviathan bended the water and created a wall of ice shielding himself as the arrow went deeper into the thick ice.

"You can't possibly defeat me with your silver arrows, my dear," Leviathan remarked with confidence.

Luna's bow and arrow disappeared into thin air. Her head turned to the sandy beach below her feet. Her shoulders fell and went silent for a moment.

"What are you doing? You can't give up!" I shouted with eagerness.

"I'm not," she said as she lifted her head up to the sky.

Another blinding beam of light fell upon her from the moon. The air around us escalated spreading sand everywhere. Leviathan's expression turned ashen and his concentration doubled. After a few moments, the beam of light disappeared back to the moon.

I gulped out of admiration as Luna revealed herself. She was clothed in a light blue, baggy long-sleeved crop top with dark blue wave patterns. It was paired with a baggy bottom with the same color and design as her top. The round sigil on her neck with wave patterns strapped by a dark blue ribbon shone pridefully. Her hair was neatly placed with a bun.

"Remember, heavenly bodies can bend elements," she replied to Leviathan stern evident in her tone.

As her last word fell into the air, a great amount of water coming from the ocean came to Luna's side surrounding her like rings. The two rings rotated around her body in a calm and slow motion.

"Altair, I need you to deal with that dragon. I have a business to settle with this demon," she said as her conviction went doubled which was evident in her eyes.

I nodded, "I know you can do it."

"Oh honey, you're making me blush. Now go, let's make sushi after this," she commented.

I jumped up into the air and demanded gravity to take me up. I glided in the sky with grace as if I was walking. I took the sword in my two hands and let it roared gloriously.

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