Chapter 14

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The crunching sound of the sand as it made contact to my bare feet filled up the air. I ran as fast as I could to Luna. I completely ignored the uncomfortable feeling of the sand as it made its way to the soles of my toes. The barrier dissipated shortly after he got captured by the white-haired demon.

The beating of my chest matched the intensity of worry that was enveloping me. As soon as the barrier disappeared, I ran to her without a second thought. My hair ruffled through the breeze as I dashed forward to Luna. My breathing became shallower, but the urge to save her intensified the nearer I get.

My mind was set to saving Luna, even though I'm completely aware that I would be risking my life. My eyes swelled up with tears as the realization that I might lose someone again filled my mind.

I can buy her time or something as a distraction, I don't care.

Suddenly, the moon shone so bright that it blinded my retina for a brief second. It halted my progression and illuminated the whole island as if it was midafternoon. The sudden increase in brightness and light made everything more visible and clearer. I shifted my attention to the direction of Luna once again.

I knelt down to the sand as a sigh out of relief exited my mouth. A hopeful smile slowly formed in my lips as Luna began to regain her composure. A glint of hope sparked inside of me as she placed her hands to the ground, trying to get up.

That spark did not last long though as the demon summoned a stream of water and froze it on his right hand. He lifted the sword as he began to deliver the final strike.

"No!" I screamed, but the voice came out as a desperate whisper.

I sunk my fingers to the sand as tears started to flow from my eyes. It travelled to my cheek down to the ground, the sand absorbing the tears. The very familiar ache in my heart kicked in. That feeling like your heart got invaded by thorns and knives. I desperately exhaled for air as breathing suddenly became difficult.

Why do I have to lose so many people in my life?

My quiet sobbing stopped when I heard a roar from the direction of Luna. The roar was filled with conviction and passion that it almost sounded like a lion's. I lifted my head up and my face lit up immediately. The dread that was filling me on the inside immediately was replaced with hope.

My Altair.

I lifted my head up and wiped my tearstained face. I dashed forward to their direction as my smile grew wider the closer I get to them. With my haste, I fell down to the sand with my face hitting the ground. I released a groan and quickly recovered continuing my progress to reach them.

Both of their mouths went agape when they saw me approaching. The next events happened so quickly that it left my mind buffering. Altair came out from thin air and was in front of me covering me with his body. I could feel his warmth and the loud beating of his heart.

I shifted my stare to Altair's face and he smiled fleetly to me as if he's saying, it's going to be alright.

He enveloped me within his warmth that made my worry disappear for a second. I would give everything to make everyday like this. I smiled back to him and held out my hand to his face. I pierced my eyes with his and just indulged myself with the overwhelming feeling.

Heaven was supposed to be eternity, but mine did not last long.

Blood came out of Altair's lips. He coughed blood and more blood. My eyes went wide with shock as he fell to my body, shifting his whole weight to mine. Tears immediately came out of my eyes and my heart felt like it was being stabbed once again.

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