Chapter 9

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The air crisped as barrages of fireballs made contact with the barrier that the Moon just summoned. The fireballs immediately vaporized into thin air, sending vibrations in the surroundings. I am aware of the Moon's power but not to this extent. Her barrier can actually guard against fireballs from an underworld dragon.

"I could use a little help here Altair," Luna said in strained voice. Clearly, these barrages of fireballs were too much for her to handle. To handle alone, that is.

I grabbed Louise's cheeks and lifted his face, fear and shock painted all of his features. What I wouldn't give just to make him feel safe. I gazed deep into his blue eyes and assured him with a smile.

I let go of him and summoned my old, trusty sword in my hand. I made my way to the front readying my sword to swing. I slashed every fireball coming our way in half with great speed. I ordered gravity and the wind to make me maneuver easily like I was flying.

"I can manage this alone Luna, now take Louise into somewhere safe." I continued slashing fireballs into half, vaporizing them into thin air. With every swing, my sword roared happily reliving my old, glorious days.

"I'm offended Altair," Luna said stepping forward dismissing the barrier.

"This place is somewhere safe!" she finished as a bright white light shone down upon her coming from the moon. That light enveloped her entire body. 

After the blinding light, her long, white dress was no more to be seen and was replaced with a silver armor shining through the night. Her hair was tied neatly at the back and her battle gear gloriously bathe in the moon's light. She summoned a bow made from silver with two sharp blades on the tips into her hand, and a bag of silver arrows on her back.

"Now, let's burn this dragon," she said excitedly, grabbing an arrow.

"You can't just leave Louise alone," I said worriedly.

"Don't worry," she assured me as she spouted a spell and casted it on Louise.

A barrier came and lifted him up to a close distance, close enough to view our battle. "I would definitely want Louise to know how awesome his moon mom is," Luna threw in a confident smirk.

I just nodded my head and shifted my attention to the underworld dragon. Just like every underworld dragon that I fought before, its skin was scaly and were burnt. Its eyes reflect the color of hell and its wing span rivaled that of a jet. What caught my attention most was the legion of demons riding its back and at the center of it all, there stand one of my enemies during the Great Holy War, Leviathan.

Hundreds of demons – lesser and greater – descended from the dragon's back into the island. As they descended, Luna fired her arrows targeting their hearts. She never missed and as her arrows pierced through them, the demons turned into ashes. She eliminated a great number of demons before all of them were out of the dragon's back. I kept on protecting her from the fireballs of the dragon as she fired a barrage of arrows to the enemies, never missing even one. Some made their way into land but were turned to ashes immediately by Luna. She was marvelous.

More number of demons turned into ashes in every passing second. It was really great to have Luna around. She was a warrior in her own right. Just when the number of demons started to dwindle, one last demon made its way down to the island.

"Leviathan," Luna muttered under her breath, tension building up inside her.

Luna barraged him with silver arrows shining through the night. Her conviction was doubled ever since she set her sight on the demon. One after another, more arrows fired from her bow eliminating some of the lesser demons along with the relentless firing directed to Leviathan. The demon, on the other hand, was never fazed. He easily deflected the silver arrows with his slimy tail that resembled that of a lizard.

Leviathan slowed her down. Some of the lesser demons were reaching her, eliminating them with a stab from the blades at the tips of her bow. She shifted her utmost attention to the nearer ones. She continued thrusting her bow and firing arrows directed to the lesser demons. Her movements were graceful resembling that of an old, ceremonial dance. She moves with grace and sliced with precision.

I have to help her soon.

I flew towards the dragon with unbelievable speed, slashing fireballs into half in the process. I made my way to the sides of the dragon's face and shoved my golden, flaming sword into the creature's left eye. The creature writhed in agony, releasing cries of anger and pain.

The dragon tried slashing me with its sharp claws embedded in its hands, good thing I was faster. I dodged every swing with ease, maneuvering easily all thanks to the gravity and wind. I continued my relentless attacks, slashing and thrusting in the different parts of the dragon's body. Just when I reached its heart, I rammed my golden sword deep.

"Burn," I muttered aloud, releasing golden flames from my sword.

The dragon made one last agonizing cry before it fell to the ground, pulverizing some of the demons. The creature thrashed on the ground while the golden flames consumed it. I felt a little guilt sprouting inside me for I have killed another living creature, and more to come. I vowed to myself to never take a living creature's life without second thought. I let go a deep sigh as I made my way back down to the island to help Luna.

I sprayed golden flames to the demons approaching Luna, making them disappear.

"Need help?" I asked, grinning smugly.

"No shit, Sherlock," she replied, returning my grin.

We were protecting each other's back. Luna eliminated those who were still far away and I exterminated those reaching towards her.

When a great number of lesser demons made its way to us, she rested her bow into the ground, closed her eyes, and clasped her two hands together while casting a spell.

"Silver arrows from above,
Cleansing sigils of light.
Grant my wish,
Grant my prayer.
Fall down upon my enemy,
Clean them away of all their misery."

When Luna finished orating her spell, a big magical circle appeared in the sky. It glowed gloriously and when Luna snapped her fingers, silver arrows fell from the circle. The lesser demons all released terrorizing cries as thousands of arrows made their way into them. The great band of demons were reduced into ashes merely just by one spell from Luna. She is amazing.

The legion of demons was reduced to a minimum leaving some of the greater tier and Leviathan in the battlefield.

"Get ready for one hell of a fight," Luna winked at me wearing an excited grin.

* * * * *

Oya! A new chapter is up yey! It took longer than expected sorry. 

Anyways, what do you think of this chapter? What do you think of Luna? 

Hell, she is powerful.

[Photo above: Liza Soberano, a filipina actress playing the role of Luna]
[Sheranked number 1 as the most beautiful face in the world ♥]  

Lay down all your comments, suggestions, recommendations, corrections or any feedback. I really appreciate them. 

Love, Jun. 


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