Chapter 7

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By the time I woke up I was lying with Altair under a tree. I slowly got up and checked my surroundings. Judging by the intensity of the sun rays, it was mid afternoon. I can hear the leaves rustling together with the soft and gentle whistle of the wind, it was so peaceful. It took me a moment to realize that Altair was hugging me, eyes shut, lips slightly apart and upper body exposed. I never get tired at looking his body; he was a work of art. His tattoos were magnificent, it seemed like they were alive.

I was trying to lift Altair's arm away from me when I felt a sudden sting inside my head. The pain came so sudden. It drove me crazy; it was like my skull was being drilled into two. I panicked, I screamed, I begged for it to be gone. I felt the pain slowly drift away as Altair touched my forehead.

"Does it still hurt?" Altair asked, concern painted all over his face.

"I'm fine now, thanks," I sighed relieved.

"After you healed me you got unconscious and all of your energy got drained. I was really scared that you might not wake from your slumber," Altair said grabbing my hand.

"What do you mean healed?" I asked confused.

"You don't have any memory of what happened? You used an incantation unknown even to me and due to that I was healed. You used magic," Altair explained.

I used magic? 

"What are you talking about? I'm human, plain and ordinary. How can I use magic?" I demanded for answers.

"You aren't a wizard?" Altair asked confused.

I gave him a look.

"What?" he asked innocently?

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not. I'm sure of it," I replied.

He shifted his stares deep into my eyes and I stared back. This would be my second time to gaze into those eyes and something suddenly occurred to me. Eye contact with this star was dangerous, really dangerous, but at the same time, lovely. The universe seemed to be stuck in his eyes and they were pulling me over.

He leaned closer to my face. I could feel his warm breaths as it made contact with my cheek. This time, I averted my face and gazed away. I can't be enchanted by this star, I still love Stan.

"What are you doing?" I asked, cheeks burning.

"How did you know the incantation?" he asked, leaning closer to me again.

"I-it's the f-fountain," I replied, flustered.

Suddenly, he backed down and a stern look appeared on his face. His eyes were sharp and pointy, and I could say he was lost in his own thoughts.

"What do you mean the fountain? You communicated with the Moon?" he asked seriously concerned and curious.

When he uttered the word "Moon", memories from what happened that night came back to me. I remembered hearing faint and gentle voices. I remembered the tingling feeling when I touched the waters of the fountain. I remembered the visions I saw when I orated the incantations. I remembered it all.

I was lost for words when the sudden realization that I just used magic occurred to me. As far as I knew, I'm genuinely human and I dreamt for it to remain that way. I just want a quiet and peaceful life, a normal life. I never and don't want to deal with "magic."

"You just conversed with the Moon? How did you do it?" Altair asked eagerly.

"I-I don't know, I just happen to hear voices and followed it," I answered.

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