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you were the beautiful spring 

lively and wonderful

ringlets of pastel pink and blooming lavender,

delicate blues and mint greens, 

from the gentle morning light. 

white flowers grew in your eyes, 

violet in your hands. 

( and i named you my spring because we were only budding. ) 


and you were the burning, scalding summer, 

cyan blues and forest greens of the unrelenting ocean, 

crimson in the early morning and midnight purples of the night, 

yellow sun melting into your collarbones,

red sunset painted on your lips. 

( and i named you my summer because we were fiery lovers then. ) 


you were the tamed autumn,

muted reds and muffled oranges of the falling leaves, 

weak green of the grass and the melted ice of the sky, 

grey clouds crowding your head. 

fading magenta in your heart. 

( and i named you my autumn because we were falling. ) 

when people ask me what my favorite season is, 

i say that it is the barren, withering winter

because you left me suffocated and empty like the grey desert, 

left me as monochrome as your heart. 

( and i named  you my winter because you stole all of my colors. ) 

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