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I knew it was only a matter of time... you should have warned them! You're such an idiot Mi'kai... Shaking my head I keep running toward the palace. Please tell me I'm not too late...

The two full moons shine brightly in the winter night sky, my breath coming out in clouds. Barren trees bare frost from the recent rainfall, sparkling softly in the moonlight. Great Notch I hate the cold.

Blowing warm air into my bare hands as an attempt to warm them, I give up and pull my gun out of its holster. Why did Woofless have to disappear? He could've told me what to do right now. Why does this planet hate me?

"Elite Graduate what are you--" I point my gun and pull the trigger without hesitation; a silencer causes the gun to only make a popping sound as it goes off. My legs propel me onwards, and I don't look back. I know I killed the general. You shouldn't have done that Mi'kai...

As the yellow light of the palace's open door comes into view two dark figures do as well. An average sized male and a tiny female rush over to me; both with fearful expressions on their faces.

"Mi'kai? Mi'kai! We need to go! The emperor is dead," the female says, clearing fighting back tears. "and they blamed Frags. He wasn't anywhere near the emperor when he died."

"Princess Anaihee poisoned him." I hiss before handing the man a spare gun. "She showed me the vial about a month ago."

"You didn't tell anyone?!" The woman looks at me with wide eyes.

"I'm sorry M'ayris, I know I should have warned you guys but--"

"We can't stop here." The man interrupts me, pointing toward the royal guards running toward us from the palace. They clearly just noticed the two left the building. Shoot.

"This way!" I wave for the two to follow me before running in the direction of a ship station. "I haggled the crew of a messenger ship to work with us."

"You killed the captain, didn't you?" M'ayris mutters, shaking her head at me.

"I didn't kill him." I state with a small smile. "He bled out after the half hour mark. Technically it wasn't 'murder.'"

"Gotta love some of the laws." The man states as I vault over a fallen tree. I'll say.

A bullet grazes my shoulder and strikes into a tree in front of me. They caught up to us...

"Mi'kai!" M'ayris' eyes widen when she sees red start to stain my light grey uniform.

"I'm fine." I mutter through clenched teeth, gripping my arm. "The ship is just ahead. Keep going!" Slowing down, I shove the two of them into the clearing with the ship before turning to face our pursuers.

"What are you doing? Mi'kai?!" I close my eyes when I hear my sister's worried voice. I'm sorry M'ayris. I'm going to break that promise you told me to make.

"Keep going. I'll hold them back." Taking a deep breath I fill my gun with a new clip of bullets. M'ayris' shouts of protest echo in the air as I raise the gun and shoot down the closest royal guard. Her voice echoing in my mind. Mi'kai, can you promise me something?

I quickly duck behind a tree to protect myself from a shower of bullets, one narrowly grazing my ear. Don't do anything stupid while you're there. The world seems to move in slow motion as I come out of my cover as the soldiers reload. My shoulder burns as I lift the gun again and shoot down three more people before a burning sensation engulfs my abdomen.

"I'm sorry for having to do this Kai," the overly-feminine voice of Princess Anaihee Northridge of the empire states, appearing in my vision; holding a pistol in her hand with a bored expression on her face. "but you're too much of a threat to the Empire to keep alive. It's too bad really; you could have been a emperor in the future." she points the gun at me again. I let out a laugh, coughing immediately after due to the pain in my stomach.

"Like I would have wanted to marry someone like you Anaihee. I'd rather die knowing that I saved a innocent man than marry a woman who killed her own father to gain power." I lift my bad arm and pull the trigger, hitting the woman in the leg. "I have no regrets."

A series of bangs erupt after my action, and I collapse to the ground as the bullets tear through my body; my vision fading quickly as a cold, numbing sensation rushes over me. I'm sorry M'ayris, but you of all people should've known that I can't keep a promise.

Woooooooh! My longest prologue ever! XD

I feel proud of myself...

If you didn't read the blurb (description) then you should have noticed by now that this is the prequel to my Poofless FF Letters to Nobody.

I mostly felt that I should have a more in-depth backstory to the characters, but writing it in LtN would have stretched it out a lot longer than it already was, so I chose to make it a completely different book.

And don't worry, there will be Poofless in this... xD

I'm not THAT evil....



Much Luv,

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