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+Two and a half years later+


"I think we should reinvent how the military works," Anaihee states confidently, holding a small stack of papers out toward me.

"How exactly?" I raise my eyebrow at her before taking the papers out of her hands and fanning through them. "It's highly doubtful the emperor will change his training ideals. After all, they've been working in his favour for decades now."

Anaihee lets out an annoyed huff. "Stop stating the obvious Mi'kai; I'm well aware of my father's military prowess, but I feel we need some technological advancements." The teen flicks through the pages before placing a certain one on the top of the pile in my hands.

"Technological advances?"

"I've been doing a lot of research over these last few years, and I discovered that many of the different kingdoms my father conquered had weapons that could've stopped this entire military in it's tracks," Anaihee states, pointing out different areas in the text, "In fact, the Minecraftians created hundreds of these weapons, and never used them! So it made me think, what if we used the technology from those fallen kingdoms to strengthen our army to the point where we can take over different planets?" I look down at the green eyed blonde in shock. Take over different planets?

"You're insane Anaihee," I mutter, shaking my head and pushing the papers back into her hands. Why does she always involve me in these crazy plans of hers anyways?

"Insane, or intelligent?" The princess' glowing green eyes look up at mine. A strange glint shines in her eyes, and she runs a finger along my jawbone before stopping on my chin. "If our people branch out beyond our planet, we'll eventually be able to conquer the entire universe!"

"What did I say about you touching me?" I push her hand away from my face before backing away from her. She's been getting creepier and creepier everyday...

"Sorry Mi'kai, I couldn't help myself." The strange glint was still in her eyes, but to my relief it was starting to fade. "But anyways, what do you think? As a trainee who is going to graduate in like three years, what do you think about using technology like that to combat aliens?"

"We don't know how strong these 'aliens' might be. They could even be overhearing this very conversation and laughing at us!" I couldn't help but feel skeptical. A lot of things Anaihee comes up with are borderline insane, but this one is the icing on top of the cake.

"Stop being paranoid. That's why we sent the Minecraftian to that planet! He's there to test the waters for us; to see how much of a hassle our first bunch of aliens are going to be." Anaihee giggles softly before shaking her head. "Soon you'll realize how ingenious this plan actually is Mi'kai. And when that day comes, you'll regret you ever doubted me."

"It's good to have dreams Anaihee," I mumble sarcastically, "Like I used to dream that I could fly. Of course that dream was crushed when my sister pushed me off a tree and broke my arm, but that was just my experience."

"I love your humour Mi'kai," Anaihee says with a giggle, placing her hand on my arm. I shrug away from her before clearing my throat.

"I should go before I'm late to elite training." I state before turning to leave.

"Alright. I'll see you later cutie!" Anaihee calls after me as I walk out of the room. Once I close the door behind me, I involuntarily shiver in disgust. I really hope I don't throw up again...

I'm already feeling nauseous...
"She did what?!" M'ayris' voice peaks with worry, and she momentarily pauses from punching the life out of a punching bag.

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