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"Your parents are interesting Mi'kai," Princess Anaihee states as I walk her back to the hotel, "Your grandfather too. Did you ever wonder where he's from with an accent like that?"

"He's not my grandfather, and no I don't wonder where he's from because he's a full blooded islander. His native language is the island tongue." In my best attempts to stay calm, I clench my fists and grit my teeth. I can't wait for this to be over.

"His accent didn't sound like he had an Island accent. It sounded more mainland like." The princess' voice was different. It was more curious than its usual too-cheerful-to-be-real tone. "Almost like the Minecraftian accent."

I look at her in confusion. "How would you know what they sound like? Last I checked your father killed them all when we were two years old. And unless you have an incredible memory, I doubt you could remember that."

"Some of the old servants at the palace are Minecraftian. One of the guys who takes care of the trash was a high ranking guard too! Too bad my dad had his good hand cut off a few years back; otherwise I would've been able to learn how to fight. Who knows, maybe I would've been better than your sister, or even that Woofless friend of yours." The princess continues on at her swift pace, but I slow down mine. How can she talk like that? Does she think that cutting off people's limbs is ok?! And why does she think that she'd be a better fighter than two complete prodigies? I'm the third best fighter, and I don't even stand a chance against them!

"You'll have to beat me in a fight before going up against those two," I finally manage to say, "and I'm not as easy to beat as my sister leads everyone into believing."

"Oh? Well, beating you would be easy," the princess boasts confidently.

"And why would that be?"

"You'd let me win of course!" I clench my teeth before gripping the knife attached to my belt. I could kill her now, and no one would ever know what happened. If they blame me, Fvendal would step up in my defense, or I'll just hide away on Crokyl for a while. I can do it. I take a deep breath before moving my hand away from the knife and grit my teeth. You're not like that Mi'kai. What would M'ayris think?

What would Papa think?


I sit on a fallen tree and watch as Frags plays some sort of game with a group of younger kids. One kid starts off the game as "it," and the other kids have to run away from them. If the starting kid touches one of the other kids, the kid who was touched goes after more kids until everyone's been caught. It seemed interesting, and from the looks of it, Frags has played it many times before this. Must be some sort of Imperial game.

"You can't get me N'akil!" a little girl, whom I figured out was named Aponí, yells at a boy who started the game; sticking her tongue out at him.

"Oh yeah?!" the boy shouts before running after the girl. I always find it amusing to see younger kids run; they don't know how to. The kids kept on with the chasing game until Frags, and one other kid, a girl who appeared to be as old as we are, were left.

"They're too fast!" one kid complains as the girl jumps over him.

"This isn't fair!" another whines, making Frags sigh and run a hand through his hair. I think this is where I step in.

"Need help?" I ask, jumping off the tree and walking over to the kids.

"Are you fast?" Aponí asks, looking up at me with curiosity. I feel a smirk grow on my face before I turn to look at Frags.

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