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Frags' words echo through my ears like a broken record. We can't stop here.

Fear pulses through my veins; I barely hear the first few words Mi'kai says, but I hear the last part. "I haggled the crew of a messenger ship to help us." Haggled? I feeling of dread grows in my chest, and I take a deep breath to keep from freaking out as Mi'kai takes off running; Frags and I follow closely behind. First Woofless orders Vikke to shoot me with a dart, and now this...
What happened to us?

"You killed the captain, didn't you?" Mi'kai flashes me a look over his shoulder that tells all. Yes. Yes he did.

"I didn't kill him," Mi'kai finally states after a moment of silence between the two of us. I toned out his excuse; there's no use trying to come up for an excuse for killing someone.

"Gotta love some of the laws," Frags says as Mi'kai gracefully vaults over a fallen tree in our way, Frags and I not even a step behind him. But instead of making another sassy like he usually does, my twin stays silent and pushes himself to run faster. Mi'kai?

I open my mouth to ask my brother if he was okay, but the loud bang of a gun firing startles me. My eyes widen as I watch a bullet narrowly glide passed my head. "Mi'kai!" I instinctively shout, turning my attention to my brother as the bullet tears through the shoulder of his uniform. Please tell me he's not hurt... My thoughts trail off and my eyes widen with fear as I see a scarlet stain start to grow on his shoulder. No...

"I'm fine," Mi'kai states through gritted teeth, slowing down his pace. "The ship is just ahead. Just keep going!" The tall teen slows to a jog and weaves between Frags and I. Before I could comprehend his actions, I feel my brother's large hand on my upper back shoving me forward into the clearing ahead. I struggle to keep my balance as I stumble, Frags finding his balance a lot easier than I due to his larger size.

"What are you doing?" I call out to my crazy brother, trying around to run back to him. But before I could, Frags wraps his hand tightly around my wrist. "Mi'kai?"

"Keep going," Mi'kai's voice was deathly calm as he spoke, his gaze directed toward our pursuers. "I'll hold them back."

"What? No, Mi'kai! You'll die!" I try to fight my way out of Frags' grip, but the stronger male just pulls me closer to him as he moves away from my brother. My brother. Tears brim in my eyes. "You promised!" I shriek, holding back tears as I continue to fight against Frags' hold. "You promised you wouldn't leave me!" I feel my feet leave the ground and Frags lifts me. I kick at his shins, but I know my attempts are futile at best. Mi'kai is stubborn; he gets what he wants.

"M'ayris, you need to-" Frags' voice is cut off by the sound of rapid gunfire. I can't see what's going on. I don't have to. Mi'kai's dead.

Death by firing squad.

I scream, or, at least, I think I'm screaming. I can't tell at this point; the world is nothing more than a daze. He's gone...
My entire family... My throat feels like it's being torn in two as Frags carries me into the safety of some shrubbery before setting me down and pulling me into an embrace. "I'm sorry," Frags whispers into my ear as a loud book echoes from the clearing behind him. I watch numbly as Anaihee stands before a burning ship, staring up at it with twinkling eyes. She killed him...
She killed my brother...


M'ayris fell asleep in my arms on our way to my parent's house. It hurts me to see her like this. So weak...
She didn't even put up a fight when I carried her away from the scene. This isn't my best friend.

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