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"Fish for sale! Buy two and get the third for only five minecraftí!" A male merchant's voice bellows as my parents, my sister M'ayris, and I walk through the bustling trading market of Eluk Haven; the largest island of the Imperial Island Nation. Here is where people travel from all four islands to get food, medicine, and any other necessities for life on these tropical islands.

The four islands Eluk Haven, Crokyl Island, Whiz Cay, and Zion Isle are the only known land masses, aside from the mainland, that are able to support life. According to my father, the islands were named after the first mainlanders who survived the incredibly long voyage, but there are many other tales of how the islands were named.

"You finally got yourself some kids Kai? They look like you," my thoughts are interrupted by a man walking up to my father. He didn't look like any islander I was used to. His hair was light, and his eyes were dark. He looks weird.

"You're kidding right? They look more like their mother than anything," my father reaches down and ruffles my curly brown hair, doing the same to my sister. "Just look at this hair."

"Well, aside from the hair, the boy is almost identical to you. Just imagine what he's going to look like as a man." the strange man looks down at me with a smile. Are you saying I'm not already a man?!

"There's no need to hide M'ayris," my mother's calm voice says as she forces M'ayris out from hiding behind her legs. "I'm dearly sorry, she's deathly shy."

The man lets out a laugh, "That's completely understandable. How old are the two of 'em?"

"They recently turned five years old." my father states as I look back at the man. His eyes look back at me, but this time they had a new light in them.

"Five you say? That means they're old enough to join military schooling. You doing to send 'em?"

"The boy yes. He's more than ready for it," my father's voice had another tone to it. One of pride maybe? "but the girl still has a little longer before she's ready to join. I don't want to rush her into anything until I feel she's able to keep up with her peers."

"Respectable. I doubt the army will let a child that small into their ranks anyways," the man couches down in front of my sister and ruffles her hair, "She looks like she'd die of sickness within the first week." May is small, but she isn't that small! She's lived through tones of sicknesses!

"Leave May alone!" I speak up for my sister who was clenching her fists, "She's stronger than she looks!" The man turns to look at me with a raised eyebrow and his dark eyes narrowed.

"Your son seems to have an attitude. That better be in check when he's being sorted," the man says to my father before standing up.

"Mi'kai only acts up like this when someone upsets M'ayris," My mother speaks up again, "he's just being a protective older brother."

"If you say so," the man's eyes flick between M'ayris and I before he turns to walk away. What was his problem?


I quietly watch as a small group of grownups set up their traveling shops; preparing them for any potential costumers that happen to pass by this area. They call themselves "The Merchants' Guild," and they are a group of people from all over the mainland. There are descendants in the guild from all of the fallen kingdoms, and the empire. Are there any from Minecraftia?

"What cha' lookin' at kid?" My eyes widen and my heart races when I hear a man speak in Mespelí. I turn around quickly to see a man crouch beside me.  I'm caught...

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