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Dear whomever this may concern,

You know those times you're 110% sure that you're not human? That you were sent here from another planet for a scouting mission, or world domination? I'm sure the majority of people might have those thoughts every once in a while. Unless there is no one reading this... am I crazy for writing this for absolutely no one to read?

Sorry for going off subject there. I do that often. As I was saying, most people think they're an alien at least once in their life. Unless you're me. Then you absolutely know that you're an alien. And it might be one of the reasons why I'm in this place....

My writing was interrupted by a soft knock at the door to my "room,"
"Preston, Mr. H is waiting to see you," the nurse calls softly, opening the door and flashing me one of her fake smiles.

"Alright. Can I finish this first?" I ask, motioning to the letter I was in the middle of writing.

"Sure, Sweetie," she says, closing the door again. She thinks I'm crazy. But hey, everyone thinks I'm crazy. That's why I'm here in the first place!

Anyways, I have to go now. The man who tests my "sanity" levels wants to see me. AGAIN. This is the second time this week!


P.s. If someone somehow manages to find this letter and magically has evidence to prove I'm not crazy, please use this evidence as quickly as possible and get me out of here!

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