~{1}~ Time To Get Ready

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You: "Okay (Y/N), just pack your laptop, clothes, camera and external Drive and you should be set" you said to yourself. You were preparing everything for the gaming convention in Birmingham called Insomnia. Wait a minute... Do I need my mouse and headphones? you thought to yourself. You decided to pack them just in case.

Insomnia was where all the gamers and YouTubers got together and met all of their fans. You had been a YouTuber for 3 years now and had over 400 thousand subscribers... You played horror but your editing skills and personality were different from the average Horror gamers.

This year was your chance to go on stage to talk to your fans alongside 4 others. Razzbowski, Dawko, Bazamalam and 8-BitRyan. You had always dreamed of meeting 8-BitRyan let alone being in the same room and on the same stage as him.

You: "You ready Max?" you asked your loyal German Shepherd. You had adopted him when he was a pup. He had been a huge icon on your channel and you asked the manager of Insomnia if you could bring him along. The manager had said yes so the both of you were ready to get on a train and head to London.

Bags in hand you and Max walked out of the front door and to the train station. It was only a few minutes, but we entered through the large glass doors. It turned out that i was going to meet Bazamalam and 8-BitRyan early. They were waiting for the Train as well.

Bazamalam: "Ryan, you need a life other than YouTube. I've tried to tell you that plenty of times before." I overheard Bazamalam (O.Ryan) talking to Ryan. The only confusing part was both their real names were Ryan.

8-BitRyan: "I know but, I'm not the only one Razzbowski hasn't found anyone yet either. There's just no one who accepts me for me. It's easy for you to say. You have a Girl friend." They were arguing about 8-Bitryan not having a girl friend yet.

You walked over to them. 8-BitRyan jumped a bit when you touched his shoulder.

You: "Sorry to startle you Ryan. I just thought I'd say hi, I'll be with you two, Razz, and Dawko on the stage today" you stated.

8-BitRyan looked at you in awe, he froze, unknown of what to say to you.

Bazamalam: "No Problem and who's this lovely Pup?" He said crouching to the ground patting Max.

You: "1. That's Max, he's the icon of my channel. And 2. Ryan are you okay?" You replied, waving your hand in front of 8-BitRyan's face.

8-BitRyan: "Huh? What? oh... yea I'm fine" he replied, smiling.

You: "Well, the trains here. Come on Max" you called.

You and Max trotted onto the train. You over heard Bazamalam say something again.

Bazamalam: "And this is why you don't have a girlfriend."

8-BitRyan: "Shut Up" he said with a hint of sarcasm in his tone."

This is going to be a long trip you thought.

Gamer Love (8-BitRyan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now