~{19}~ Discovery

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"Ryan! Where are you?" Me and Bazamalam called throughout the house waiting for Ryan's reply.

"Y/N I'm in our room!" He called out.

I walked to the room me and Ryan shared and Bazamalam walked to his. I walked through the doors. Yes there is a double door entrance to our room! I was greeted with Ryan acting like a little kid jumping up and down on the double bed.

"Ryan? What are you doing?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Jumping on the bed!" He replied jumping off. He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him. Fortunately a pillow laid right next to him. He kissed me and I reached behind him and grabbed the pillow. Once he pulled away he had a confused look on his face. I was smiling but holding a pillow above his head.

I dropped the pillow on his head and he let go I jumped over the bed and to the other side. He looked at me with his 'is that how it's gonna be?' Look and I smiled.

He chased me all through the room until he finally pinned me down on the bed.

"Really?" I asked.

He nodded and pressed his lips against mine and he kissed passionately. When we finally pulled away Bazamalam called us for dinner.

We walked down the spiral staircase and walked to the dining room. Just as I was about to enter the room the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it" I yelled out.

I opened the door and saw Nate and Matt standing there.

"Oh hi?" I said confused.

"Hey just checking on you. We live down the road from here" Nate explained.

How did they know where I live? I thought to myself.

"Oh okay, well I better go before Bazamalam gets annoyed. See ya." I exclaimed before shutting the door.

I ran back to the dinning room and sat down before Bazamalam caught me.

"Who was it?" Ryan asked.

I was still confused but answered his question the best I could.

"Nate and Matt. They came to check on me and to say hi. Apparently they live just down the road from here." I replied.

We ate dinner and then we all went to record. Even though it was 10pm.

"What is going on guys and girls and welcome back to Friday the 13th where today I am joined by..."



"And Razzbowski,"

"So without further a do, let's get going" I said my intro with the boys and began to play the game.

It was hilarious but the game and video had to end at some point.

"Thank you all so much watching, I will see you all in the next video. See ya later!"

After my outro we continued to play for the next hour. It was nice to play with everyone again. Even though I was playing with my new husband but it was even more fun.

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