~{16}~ Our Big Day

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~time skip to your wedding day~

Today was the day... Me and Ryan were getting married after being engaged for 3 months.

"How ya feeling?" Dawko asked. He was helping me practice my vowels before the wedding.

I had Dawko to help me while Ryan had Razzbowski and Matt. Matt was Ryan's best man along with Razzbowski and Bazamalam.

"Nervous" I replied.

I had never fully committed to a relationship like this before. I loved him and I was willing to do this for him.

"Look you'll be fine, Ryan loves you for you and I'd be guessing the same goes for you too." He answered.

I was stiff and nervous but nothing was going to change. My parent were unable to come due to personal reasons so Dawko was going to walk me down the isle to Ryan.

"You ready?" Dawko asked as we walked to the doors.

"Yes!" I replied.

The grand doors opened and everyone stood up. Ryan turned to face me and I could hear the murmurs of the crowd whispering.

We got Ryan and the others and the ceremony began.

~time skip after the preach and Ryan~

"I F/N L/N take Ryan to be my lawfully wedded husband. Through Rain and fog, we will never be a part. Throughout thorns and hatred nothing will tear us a part. I will love you till death do us part." These were my vowels.

"You may kiss the bride" the preach said.

Ryan grabbed my waist dipped me down and kissed me passionately. There were cheers and crys from all the crowd.

When he broke the kiss he held me close while everyone we knew congratulated us.

There was nothing that could make this day any better. Except...

~when you both got home~

Ryan was in a certain mood. He was happy but he really want to do some 'things'.

He picked me up and placed me on the bed. You always wanted to make sure the both of you were happy and you were glad to be doing this.

He took his tux off so he was wearing only his boxers. While you took the wedding dress off.

He removed you undergarments and his boxers and began to kiss you passionately.

"Are you ready?" He asked me I gripped the sheets and nodded.

He began to slowly thrust in and out. Every so slowly as soon as my grip released he began to go slightly faster.

We did this for about an hour before we both came. He collapsed next to me as I held him close.

"I love you" he whispered. I placed my head on his chest.

"I love you too" I replied before falling fast asleep.

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