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Your P.O.V

We walked to the car with Bonnie our new dog... Ryan didn't realized it but I had a special surprise for him.

Recently my channel kicked off. From 1 million subscribers to 6 million in less than a month. So I was earning more money than before... £12,000 pounds per video to be exact. So I saved all my money till I had £797,800 pounds to go buy an actual house that we owned. It was a 8 bedroom house.

"Can I drive?" I asked with puppy dog eyes. He passed me the keys and I hoped in the drivers seat.

We drove past our old house that we rented. Ryan looked confused as to where we were going.

"Y/N where are we going, the house is that way." He asked I stayed quiet until we pulled up to a 2 story house with a big backyard.

"What's going on? Why are we here?" He asked again I remained silent as I walked inside. All our furniture was there plus a few extra things of course.

"Welcome home!" Bazamalam yelled as he came down stairs to greet us.

Ryan looked completely confused. So I decided to finally explain what was happening.

"A couple of months ago my channel increased by an extra 5 million subscribers. My profit went up to £12,000 so I decided to save what I could to get a house we could fully own. No rent, no mortgage just power and water bills as per usual. I know you have nothing to say but I thought it was finally time for us to have a house where our friends can actually stay instead of them getting a hotel." He was silent for a while and then pulled me into a hug.

"Well done! I never thought we'd leave that place." He replied.

"Oh, Bazamalam has been here the whole time by the way. He was redecorating your recording room and his." I added he looked slightly surprised.

"Wait I have an actual recording room that is separate to our bedroom?" I nodded and he ran upstairs to find it. He was like a little kid at Christmas get the one thing he always wanted.

"Congrats by the way. I mean on being pregnant" I smiled and hugged him.

"Thanks, and thank you for moving everything here by the way it looks incredible and I see you found the new furniture in the storage unit too." I replied happily.

"Yup, your recording room is set up with your new equipment too. And the bedroom you two share is set up its just the spare rooms" he replied.

"We should find Ryan before he gets lost" I stated walking up the spiral staircase.

Now where were we to start looking for him? There were so many places for him to be. But where to start looking?

Gamer Love (8-BitRyan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now