Chapter 3

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Wednesday morning. It was around 6:45 in the morning already. I changed into my working clothes. It was a French maid uniform. It was like a black dress, a white apron with lots of ruffles, and a red ribbon on its collar, a white headband, and black shoes. I like the uniform except for the fact that it was too short. The dress stops just below my butt. If I'll bend too much, my underwear would be on display. I asked Anita why mine was different from their uniform. Way too different. She told me it was the Young Master's request. Unfortunately, all previous servants of him used to wear like this. However, I was lucky enough my uniform was more decent. I shuddered at the thought of those who were before me whose uniforms showed more skin.

I proceeded to the kitchen after I was done changing. Mr. Clark was there already in his usual attire. He smiled warmly and I shot him back one of my biggest smile. I was thankful that I got the job. The pay was worth it. I could pay the bills on time and support my family without working three different jobs.

Mr. Clark instructed me the things I'll be doing. First, I must wake up the Young Master at exactly 7:00 AM. Secondly, I must prepare his bath; replace his towels and fill in his bathroom with new toiletries. Third, I must make sure that the Young Master doesn't skip his breakfast. Lastly, I'll clean his room and do laundry after he leaves for school. That would be my morning schedule everyday. The rest of the day will be spent helping the other housemaids.

Anita handed me a new batch of towels and toiletries. She led me to the Young Master's room, which was located on the second floor, east side of the manor. When we got there, she immediately leaves for she was needed in the kitchen. I balanced the things I brought on my left hand while I knocked on the door. There was no answer. I turned the doorknob and slowly walked in.

It was kind of dark inside. I placed the towels and toiletries on the couch. I went to the window and opened the curtains. Letting the sunlight illuminate the entire room. His room was spacious. There was a king-size bed, two bedside tables with a lamp on top of each table, a study table and bookshelves on the corner, and a flat screen TV was mounted on the wall. He has a collection of books and CDs. The walls and ceiling were painted white. Most of his things were black. His room smells good just like him. I noticed three doors. One must be his bathroom. I don't have any idea what's behind the two doors.

After examining his room, I moved to his bed. The Young Master was sprawled on his bed. A thin sheet covered his lower body, giving me a full view of his bare torso. He's covered in his tattoos that I found very sexy. His chest moved up and down as he breathes in and out. He looked so calm and it was a crime to disturb him in his peaceful slumber. But I needed to or else he'll be late. And we don't want that to happen.

"Young Master?" I whispered. "Young Master, you need to wake up." He responded with a grunt. This time I moved closer and placed my hand on his shoulder. As soon as my hand made contact with his skin, a spark of electricity ignited throughout my body. I quickly pulled my hand away.

What was that? My breathing became uneven. My heartbeat went faster than usual. He must have felt it too because he was now awake. He blinked a few times then a smirk played on his pink lips, the kind of smirk that could make a girl's knees weak. My brain shut downed. He looked so sexy. I was lost in those green eyes, again.

"Well, what do we have here? If my mornings would be like this, I don't mind waking up early." He grinned. I was staring at him for too long that I haven't noticed that I was kneeling on top of his bed. The front of my dress hung loosely, granting him access to see my bra. I shrieked and moved back, making me fall off the bed. I landed on my butt and winced.

He laughed and looked down, "Are you alright?"

"Ye-yes." I stuttered. I stood up and fixed my uniform. First day of work and I managed to embarrass myself in front of this walking sex god. "I'm going to prepare your bath now." I hurriedly grabbed the towels and toiletries. Okay, where' his bathroom?

I was about to open the first door when he spoke, "Last door." I nodded and went to the third door.

His bathroom was insane. Its size was bigger than my room. Inside was a Jacuzzi, a shower that was enclosed with clear glass, a sink, a large mirror and toilet bowl on the right side, and a wooden cabinet on the left. There was even a flat screen TV near the Jacuzzi.

Bloody hell! A freaking flat screen TV in his bathroom wall!

I placed the towels on the aluminum rack beside the shower and arranged the toiletries as well. I went to the shower and checked the temperature. Mr. Clark said that it should be warm enough. I heard him entered the bathroom. That was my cue to leave. I turned around and stopped walking. My eyes almost fell out of my sockets. There he was, standing gloriously, naked. He's butt naked for crying out loud. He was facing me, giving me a full view of the package between his long legs.

"AAAHHH!!!" I screamed like I was being murdered. I immediately covered my eyes using my both hands. Oh my God! My precious eyes!!

"What?" He sounded annoyed.

"You're naked for goodness' sake!" I shrieked.

"Yeah?" He replied like it wasn't a big deal. "Am I supposed to shower with my clothes on?"

"No. But you could at least warned me or waited for me to go out before stripping."

He laughed. "You sound like you've never seen a guy naked." I stood there like an idiot. I felt my cheeks heat up. I gulped nervously.

His laugh subsided. "Oh so you haven't?" Piss off! "Are you a virgin munchkin?" Asshole!

"None of your business." I replied. My hands were still on my eyes but I could picture him with cocky smile plastered on his beautiful face. He was clearly enjoying this.

"You should be thankful that mine was the first dick you've seen." He chuckled. "Come here and take a closer look munchkin. You could even touch it if you want to."

"No thank you!" My cheeks were burning. My body shivered at the thought of touching him there. I could feel him moved forward. "Don't come near me or I'll shove that bottle of shampoo in your throat." I tried to say it in a stern voice but completely failed.

He chucked and replied, "It should be me shoving something in your throat munchkin. Not the other way around." My face turned to different shades of red. Fucking perv!

"Please cover yourself Young Master." I pleaded. "Okay. I'm covered now." I peeked through the spaces of my fingers only to find him still exposed. Fuck! "Liar!"

"Come on munchkin. Don't be like that. My offer still stands. Well it's not the only thing standing." My heart stopped beating for a while. Heat spread throughout my body. A tingly sensation spreads to my core. No Tammy! Control!

I felt his hands circled my waist. He pulled me to his chest. Something hard was pressed to my stomach. The only thing that separated us was my uniform. I tried to get away from his grip. I wriggled my body and he moaned in my ears. I swear it was the sexiest sound I've ever heard. I felt myself getting turned on.

"Let's shower together." He purred in my ears. My body stiffened. Oh God! I felt his hand caressing the back of my thigh. I held back a moan. His hands continued to move up. I trembled under his touch. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the new sensation. When he cupped my core, I jerked. I was brought back to my senses. I pushed him and dashed out of the room, leaving him alone in his bathroom.


HAHAHAHAHA oh well! Let's stop there for now. 

A picture of Emma Thompson as Anita --------->

Anyway,  I want to say A MASSIVE THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU! 200 reads and 12 votes! OMG! OMG ! Thank you so much! That really means a lot to me. You're the best! I love you guys so much. I'm so happy right now. Let's make this reach 300 reads. Can we all do that?



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