Chapter 4

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I wake in the corridor, my body feels heavy and limp and I still struggle to keep my eyes open. Did I really stay up for that long last night? Though to be perfectly honest hearing the singing made it worth it, I doubt I'll find out who it was that was singing anytime soon. The hard brown wooden floor creaks slightly as I stand earning glances from others in the corridor. It's relatively crowded which probably means I slept in. I don't really recognise anybody, at least nobody that I talk to on a regular basis instead the people are just complete strangers that I'll probably forget given a second or two. Unless they look cute in which case I probably will remember them. Still who was that singing last night, whoever it is has an amazing voice, I wonder what song they were singing. I make my way towards my room's door and walk in confidently swinging the door open immediately regretting my decision. There Levi stands, with no cloths covering his body. He is completely naked. Fuck fuck fuck fuck.

"I umm sorry bro." I quickly close the door, why am I flustered, why did i find it hard to speak? Strange, though my cheeks are certainly bright red. I sit back down leaning against the door laughing at myself, of course I would walk in on Levi naked of all people.The corridor isn't as crowded anymore, in fact I can't see anybody, I can hear them but not see them, they're just faint voices in the background. Well done me, peice of shit. I knock lightly on the door still scared to speak in case I'll trip over my words, I force myself to talk anyway.

"Hey can I come in?"

"Yeah it's safe now." I stand this time opening the door slowly just peeking inside to make sure he still isn't naked. Which thankfully he isn't, he's half naked pulling a shirt over his head. My cheeks are still bright red as are his, we're both clearly embarrassed about what just happened.


"Yeah." Levi turns away from me and makes his way over to his bag clearly trying to avoid eye contact. I can feel my cheeks starting to go red and try to will the blushing away clearly failing miserably. I try to think about something else and my mind quickly drifts to Brock when we were speaking outside the battle dome, when he didn't have a shirt on... This only makes my face turn a brighter red, why it does I have no idea because there is no way I like Brock especially since I haven't known him long.

"I'm sorry I didn't know you would be, you know."

"Eh it's fine, I'm assuming you enjoyed the view anyway."


"I'm kidding I'm kidding. Anyway I'm pretty sure it was my mistake, I thought you were in the shower so I thought it'd be safe."

"Yeah well I still walked in on you naked bro."

"Dude you have walked in on me jerking off before."

"Just- just shut up, I don't want to remember that."

"Fair enough, now that I think about it I have no idea why I reminded you about that one." Levi finally turns with a small grin on his face, probably more out of embarrassment than anything else.

"So if you weren't in the shower where were you anyway?" He turns and starts to rummage through his wardrobe looking for something, what it is I have no idea.

"I was-" Fuck I set myself up for this one when I slept in the corridor. "Well I slept in the corridor." A slight shiver runs down my spine as I reach to rub the back of my neck, I catch myself and lower my hand. I am not developing those habits. I refuse.

"Dude who sleeps in a corridor, on a hard floor? I mean at least our room is carpeted."

"Well I heard someone singing and I sat outside there room, I must have fallen asleep while listening to them." Another shiver runs down my back, I really was setting myself up every time now.

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