Chapter 13

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"Please no, don't take me back to Ice flower, he'll be angry he'll hurt Cobalt." Opal pleads her voice riddled with terror, her expression copying that very same feeling, no doubt I would feel the same in her situation, whoever this guy is, the guy looking for me, he must be incredibly powerful to inspire this much fear in a genetic as powerful as Opal. Garnet had put a cuff on just one of her wrists, it makes it so she can't use her powers and with all of us here able to use our powers there's no chance of Opal escaping, even if she did manage to wiggle herself free of Garnet's grip.

"I'm sorry I can't do that, the officials at Ice flower want you to be placed under close watch and they have psychics ready to interrogate you. While you might have mental blocks put in place we have some of the most powerful psychics in this area, it won't take long for them to break one down. If you co-operate I'm sure you'll be able to go back to normal life soon enough. Now before we get back to Ice flower, who is Cobalt, is he the boy that was with you, the one that summoned the paintings?"

"Well yeah- but he only did it because I told him to! He wouldn't hurt anyone normally- welllllll ok maybe he would but he only attacked you guys because I told him to."

"What do you mean he 'might' hurt people normally?" Opal doesn't answer Garnet's question, instead the look of terror turns to a look that tells you that she isn't going to say anything.

"I don't care if you answer me or not, the psychics will get it out of you whether you want them to or not." Still Opal stays quiet, probably a first for her.

I can still feel the burn on my chest, with each movement it feels like a pin is being dragged across a small part of my chest, usually in multiple areas. Honestly I can kind of smell it, even in the air outside, burning flesh smells a lot like- well a frying pan- I'm actually quite concerned. Why does it give off a smell that makes me want to eat myself- ok ok that is weird, I'll admit that much, but it's true. Opal still remains defiant in her answering of questions, I guess she thinks she can take on the psychics.

"OH ummm I know it's not exactly the time but I have a gig later, with my band." Brock starts, his voice wavering slightly, awwww he's nervous.

"I just wanted to invite you guys before I forgot, I was gonna ask before we left but I mean that might have been worse timing, so do you guys wanna come or?"

"I'll go." I say raising my hand a little and holding up two fingers as if it would bring more attention to myself.

"YAY." Brock bounces up and down a little clapping.

"Anyone else?"

"Sorry dude, I gotta study."

"I can go, Lynx babe do you wanna go?"

"Sure haven't got anything else on."

"I'm gonna be helping Levi study, sorry man." Haven gives a small smile, it almost seems fake but at the same time genuine, it's hard to explain really.

"Okee, Garnet?"

"Sorry Brock, I gotta make sure Opal behaves herself at the interrogation, I'm sure you'll do amazing, another time perhaps?" Brock nods a little fast. It is going to be pretty cool, hearing Brock play whatever he plays, or even sing, I do have to admit.

"I wanna go, maybe big boss won't find me there." Great, she's speaking again.

"You're not going anywhere but the interrogation room."

"Meanie, I don't like you anymore glasses girl."

"Oh but you see, I never liked you in the first place so I'm not obligated to actually care." Opal goes back to silence, which by the way is amazing, who knew one person not talking would be so peaceful.

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