Chapter 9

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A sudden jolt forces me into wakefulness, though what causes it I'm not sure, after all, nothing is touching me, though I do feel a strange sensation on parts of my face, the areas that the sensation is affecting is small but still, it's like drops of water that have freshly dried onto my face. My limbs are shaking for seemingly no reason and my fringe is stuck to my face, something that only happens when it gets wet and I don't style it again, needless to say this only happens on rare occasions. I'm not on my bed, that much is certain, whatever I am lying on is hard, not quite stone but definitely not something comfortable, maybe carpet. I shift my hand slightly into something- not quite wet and not quite dry, it's slightly warm, touching the floor besides me confirms that I am on carpet, even though whatever it is I'm touching I can tell that much. I sit up way too quickly becoming dizzy and having to balance myself, then standing as my vision starts to return. I'm in my dorm room, the walls, rather than being painted white are covered in- blood- something I never would expect. My heart is pounding as I clench my fist and step forward almost tripping immediately looking down I am met by the blank eyes of Levi... his eyes are glazed over and he's covered in blood, most of it coming from his throat.

"Levi...Levi please-" I drop to my knees shaking him, refusing to admit the harsh reality. "Please Levi- wake up, come on bro you'll be ok you- you always are...Levi...please...." My voice trails off, my throat feels heavy and a steady stream of tears rolls down my face, each glistening droplet a piece of me being lost. I look up from Levi's....corpse only to be met by the bloody torso of- Brock, without thinking I rush over to his body and hold him in my arms. His eyes are closed, he has multiple cuts covering him, his face, his legs, his chest, one cut deep enough to break his ribs and leave a large gash on his lung.

"Brock- not you too... please Brock... this can't happen-" But it has, his body bloody and cut up, Levi having his throat slashed. I look up again, tears falling onto Brock's blood stained face. I stand again and make my way over to the mirror looking into my eyes, my face red and tears still streaming from my eyes, though I'm no longer sad, my heart feels heavier than it ever has but- I'm not sad, just...angry. Whoever did this, they can't be far, I can still catch them and- tear them to shreds, turning the smallest blade of grass into a steel blade capable of running them through. I could shred them to pieces, leave them bloodier than they left Levi and Brock, make them suffer, cut them into pieces bit by bit slowly watching the light die from their eyes and the blood flow from their fragile body. I press my palms against the drawers below the mirror and look down at my hands. Each one covered in blood and in between them a single knife, covered in blood and wrapped around the handle a small branch. I fall to the floor crawling into the corner...did I? I- I killed them- they were the most important people in my life and- I- I killed them... I curl up into a ball my heart feeling heavier still as I contemplate jumping from my dorm room window...

<Widow's POV>

I can see from here, he's sweating, even through my platinum blonde hair, even from a room away I can see it. He's shaking too. Not that I care. It's just another job, nothing special. What's this guys name again? Dustin? I'm pretty sure that's What Kestrel said his name is when he told me about this job. The boy that controls plants. The weakest in school in terms of power use yet according to Kestrel the boss sees him as a credible threat, and if that's not true then somebody worth messing with. The job itself is always the same, use a dream poison created from my own body to give them nightmares and it should put them off looking for us. I never do understand why I can't just kill them and be done with it but apparently that will attract too much attention. My father never cared about attracting any attention, he could always get away. But the boss does care for attention, something that only makes my job harder. It's always awkward too, considering I will still be seeing this- Dustin in some of my classes, for some reason I always seem to root for him in the battle dome, I guess I always root for the underdog, and he is the weakest in school. But maybe one day I'll have to kill him, that will be a shame. Oh well. I move down the corridor leaving his dorm room door open, thankfully the dorm is full of people so I doubt anybody saw me going in and out of his room and if they did, I can always get rid of them. It wouldn't be that hard, I just catch them before they can do anything about it. Huh look at that, a girl with a superiority complex that routes for the underdog, what a strange world this has become. I move into the elevator pressing the button that brings me down to the bottom floor and make my way out of the building downing a small glass of cyanide, enough to kill a person without my powers. Thankfully all poisons keep my powers strong, without them I would just be- human...

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