Chapter 17

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After showering I make my way back into my room, Brock is still sleeping only now he has rolled over, my hair is still dripping lightly and I need to dry it properly so I grab the blow dryer on my desk. Levi still isn’t here, then again Haven did say they would study together, I had originally assumed they had done already. Apparently not.

“Sorry if this wakes you Brock.” I turn the blow dryer on and dry my hair as quickly as possible holding the blow dryer close to my head as if it will actually make it quieter. Obviously it doesn’t, Brock rolls back over now facing my direction but still not awake, he moves his hand up next to his face just as I finish drying my hair, thankfully I haven’t managed to wake him, which would have been a douchey move. Now I’m quite tired myself but I can’t sleep on the bed, me and Brock aren’t at that stage of the relationship yet by a long shot, I just grab a blanket from my wardrobe and lay on the floor pulling it up to just under my chin. Apparently I’ve just been running on adrenaline or something because even though the floor is hard and uncomfortable sleep takes me easily.

I wake hours later, the curtains open letting light from the sun flood the room, likely what woke me, my alarm didn’t go off today which means I probably woke up late. Levi and Brock are both gone but they could just be getting ready, I should go see Brock before I get ready myself and ask him how he’s doing. I stand wiping the sleep from my eyes as I do so, my back feels awful which is what I get for sleeping on the floor, I elect to ignore the uncomfort and just make my way over to my door opening it slowly before making my way down the corridor stopping at Brock's door, I knock before opening the door yawning as I do so, his curtains are pulled yet the sunlight shines through the room, it’s not as bright as my room but still bright enough to illuminate the room without turning a light on. Brock isn’t in here either which means I am definitely late for class, well, fuck. I walk out of his room only to be met by Lynn, his blue hair ruffling from the breeze caused by me closing the door.

“Oh hey if it isn’t cute boy himself.”

“Sup bro?” I reply not really wanting to talk to him, I do need to get ready.

“Bro is a weird word.” I say it a lot but now two people have fucked it for me, looks lik I’m avoiding saying that from now on. He follows me back to my room.

“So I was hoping we could talk?”

“What about?”

“Well I was hoping we could talk somewhere more private.” I walk into my room beckoning for him to follow.

“Sure just let me brush my teeth, I’ll be two minutes.” I don’t give him chance to reply, the urgency in his voice tells me he would object had I let him, above all else I don’t want to be any later than I have to for school. Thankfully he doesn’t follow me into the bathroom. And I brush my teeth then use the toilet before washing my hands and exiting the bathroom.

“Ok what’s up?”

“Could we talk somewhere else?”

“Why? I mean it’s quite private in here if you hadn’t noticed already.”

“Yeah but there’s something I want to show you.”

“Umm ok.” I didn’t actually want to go but when you’re asked by arguably the most popular guy in the orphanage to go somewhere with him you’re not exactly in a position to refuse.

“Where are we going exactly?” I ask while I pull a pair of shoes on not bothering to change my shirt, it might have a hole in it but at this point I don’t give a shit. I grab my grab, Lynn doesn’t reply instead holding my rooms door open and waiting for me to leave before closing it and following, he slings his arm over my shoulder, the halls are basically empty save for a couple people, not surprising since school is probably started.

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